21-10-2005, 09:59 PM
Quote:andy14 wrote:
To me that isn't a hard landing depends what seep you were doing
What does this mean? What "seep" you were doing? I'm a little confused by your reply, so I'll offer a more clear one:
Technically touching down in the -500 to -600 ft/min range is a pretty rough landing. Keep in mind that -600ft/min has the aircraft
dropping at 10 FEET PER SECOND! Quite a fast descent when landing if you think about it! However, realistically you shouldn't have any
problems (at least mechanically with the aircraft) if your touchdown occurs at less than -1000ft/min. Any harder than that, and you risk
seriously damaging the aircraft. Normally, a touchdown will occur at a rate of -100 to -300ft/min (it's hard to get an EXACT number in the
real world... we don't have a "End of Flight report" like FSP does

would complain about this sort of landing).
I just looked at your post, and noticed you wrote -534ft/second as your landing rate. I hope you meant -534ft/minute...