15-09-2005, 07:24 AM
Quote:SaVas wrote:
Quote:nem wrote:
Quote:SWAFO wrote:Since they chose to do so and thousands of people agreed to act by them when they joined.
Since when did a simple flight simulator (video game) have such strict governing policies for a group of guys just getting together and
trying to simulate flight?
Say, that was an easy one. Next question?
and you are spot on nem, however they have made it so novices, or people that just want to log in and fly with others have some
trepidation in doing so because there are too many that take the seriousness of "as real as it gets" to way beyond extreme. I can
understand wanting to disallow those who log in fly around and say "hey dood Im landing at your airport, roger that?" and those that want
to create havok for others by flying eradically, but for a novice who doesnt know what to say to an ATC, or the exact ins and outs of how
to "actually" fly a plane without having either a pilots license or gobs of hours to study how to do so so their online flying could basically
get them a license. Fear of making a mistake and getting flamed or kicked from the server for it isnt exactly my idea of enjoyable when I
just want to learn how and enjoy the company of others without having to be an "officially licenses [virtual] pilot"
Well, not to defend anyone, but people online are extremely helpful, so no flaming there. I've never had any problems whatsoever with VATSIM, so I
can't what you're complaining about?
![[Image: c6.gif]](http://www.fspassengers.com/images/banner/sig/c6.gif)
"Dont be too optimistic. The light at the end of the tunnel could be a train." - Franz Kafka