14-09-2005, 12:26 AM
Two cent from me, not about hijackings or terrorism simulated, thats not an option of an Simulator!!!
But all other things like an damage of an airplane simulated, thats forbidden to VATSIM Networks, like hear an joke!
I dont know the rules of VATSIMs, because iam flying online with IVAO, but such rules to banned, only uses third programs,
would changes pilotes to another networks, and VATSIM can be closed.
Sorry but then they couldn´t simulated FlightSim...omg
Two cent from me, not about hijackings or terrorism simulated, thats not an option of an Simulator!!!
But all other things like an damage of an airplane simulated, thats forbidden to VATSIM Networks, like hear an joke!
I dont know the rules of VATSIMs, because iam flying online with IVAO, but such rules to banned, only uses third programs,
would changes pilotes to another networks, and VATSIM can be closed.
Sorry but then they couldn´t simulated FlightSim...omg
Greetings and Always Happy Landings!