09-09-2005, 10:17 AM
The POSKY 757-200 has a maximum fuel load of over 11,000 gallons, but with NO payload and a maximum fuel load, the plane's MTOW
is in excess of 142%. :-(
You can see my dilema when I have a full load of passengers. The most fuel I can take is about 50% and that restricts the range of my
plane to about 1500 nm, maximum, to be safe.
I don't quite understand how a plane can be designed to carry way more fuel than it can safely take off with. SWAFO, your thoughts!
is in excess of 142%. :-(
You can see my dilema when I have a full load of passengers. The most fuel I can take is about 50% and that restricts the range of my
plane to about 1500 nm, maximum, to be safe.
I don't quite understand how a plane can be designed to carry way more fuel than it can safely take off with. SWAFO, your thoughts!