06-09-2005, 02:54 PM
Quote:Sovek wrote:
alright, Right off the bat I see two problems, one is the video card, get at least an NVIDIA 6600GT. The X300 is not a gamers card.
Second, go AMD for
a flight sim computer. Dont forget that FS is a game, and AMD is well known to slap Intel up and down the board on gaming, that and its
cheaper and
cooler. This is not a biased suggestion, its a fact, If you were doing heavy multi-tasking I would recommend the Intel with HT technology
in a heart
beat. Third, Dont waste money on more RAM, 1gig is plenty, and will be for a while, if anything more RAM will just slow down your
Recommended specs
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ (would go with a San Deigo core 3700+) $219/$273
MSI K8N NEO4 (or DFI Lanparty board that supports Skt 939) $85/$123
1Gig of PC3200 DDR RAM (research RAM timings, best out there is 2-2-5) $100
Nvidia 6600GT or ATI X700 $150/$100 (please research each cards clocks and preformance before buying, if going 6600GT buy Giga-
byte, they overclock nicly)
And on top of that, buy a PSU, one that is very trustworthy, PSU's that come with cases are notorious for for blowing up and taking very
peices of hardware with them.
With the above specs your computer would scream, with all the sliders turned up to max.
I just upgraded from a X300 to a Leadtek Geforce 6600 TD. Stay away from that one. It's much better quality of graphic (all maxed and still
getting above 20fps with Ultimate Terrain and Ultimate Traffic (both maxed). Now, bang for the buck it's good but it's not as good as an
original Nvidia sister (500 mhz for memory and 1Ghz for graphic; Leadtek is 300/400).