03-09-2005, 02:02 PM
Quote:nem wrote:
Bonus question: why did the father leave his business to three dorks who obviously are unable to do fractional arithmetics and therefore will without
doubt ruin the work of his lifetime in a couple of weeks?

"And I hated life, because the work that has been done under the sun was calamitous from my standpoint, for everything was vanity and a
striving after wind. And I, even I, hated all my hard work at which I was working hard under the sun, that I would leave behind for the man
who would come to be after me. And who is there knowing whether he will prove to be wise or foolish? Yet he will take control over all my
hard work at which I worked hard and at which I showed wisdom under the sun. This too is vanity. " (Ecc 2:18-20)
But -sadly - that's the way the things are... Where would the humankind be if every next generation would take over where the previous
has handed over.
Bah! What was the topic again...?

Post Edited ( 09-03-05 15:04 )
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