22-08-2005, 09:01 AM
SE-TMA... I will maybe mention a few things about FS Commander... I like it of course but cant of really say whether its a better product than FSNav
as I dont run FSNav etc.
General Features
- Runs in FS9 and gives a moving map etc
- Also functions as standalone (Nice for plannign etc before even starting FS9
- Downloadable databases (Waypoints, Sids, Stars etc)
- User definable Waypoints etc
- Database sync feature so users can sync their database with each other
- You can load or save Flight Plans, Route Segements (Departure segments, Arrival Segments or Enroute Segments)
- Display of Departure/Arival Paths
Info displayed on map
- VORs
- NDBs
- ILS's
- Outer, Middle markers
- Intersections
- GPS Fixes
- Low Altitude Airways
- High Altitude Airways
- Airspaces
- MSA (Minimum Safe Altitude)
- Airports
- Taxiways
- Airport Aprons
- Airport Gate and Parking Postitions
- Flight Plan Plotted on Map
- AI Traffic
- Runways Approach Path
Traffic once in flight on moving map displays
- Tail Number
- Flight level
- Ground Speed of Traffic
- Departure Airport of Traffic (If in air)
- Arrival Airport of traffic
If you zoom in below 5nm all traffic is displayed (Ground, Air) else only traffic in air is displayed.
Includes TCAS warnings.
Includes GPS.
Includes Weather (Surface Weather, Ambient Weather, Winds etc)
Flight Recording (Black Box) recording
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Heading
- Attitude
- Pitch
- Bank
- True Airspeed
If you recorded your flight hor and vert paths will display in seperate windows.
Flight plans displays the following that can be printed before even starting FS9
- Flight Info (Aircraft, Distance, Flight Time, Flight Level, Cruising Speed)
- Departure Info
- Arrival info
- General Flight Info broken up into
- Climb
- Cruise
- Decent
- Fuel (Total, Climb, Cruise, Decent, Approach)
- Alternate Airport (ICAO ID, Distance, Course, Elevation, ATIS)
- Departure and Arrival Routes (Brief description for each departure route (runway) as well as each arrival route (runway))
- Waypoints (Each waypoint is a row broken up into columns)
- Code
- Name
- Freq
- Course (True/Magnetic)
- Distance
- Time
When flying in FS9 the following columns is added
- Ave GS (Ground Speed)
- Altitude
- Fuel Consuption
Clicking on waypoints moves the map to that waypoint
Test Flight plans for legality (Example if you want to use Airway UZ717 with FL210 it will display 25000 minimum altitude required etc)
Fuel Window
- Only available after you file flight plan
- Displays estimated fuel for the flight
- Contingency Fuel (Reserve)
- Alternate Fuel
- Holding Fuel (Based on holding for 30min if ATC requests you to hold)
- It will also display Number of fuel stops if necessary
Airport Preview
- Airport Map
- Runways
- Taxiways
- Parking
- Airport Info
- Printable
Runway Window Dsiplays Graphics of
- Departure Airport (Layout)
- Arrival Airport (Layout)
- Approach Chart for selected runway (Not same detail as Jeppesen etc but useable)
- Printable
Procedure Window
- Allows you to create holding patterns etc
- Each procedure has 4 reference points
- By default each procedure 4min... 1 min for each leg and turn (Can be changed)
- Default speed is aircrafts approach speed (Can be changed)
- Waypoints for flight will be displayed and you can select for which waypoint the procedure is (if applicable)
- Setting up of general procedure info etc
- Graphical Display of procedure
Logbook keeps track of recorded flights
- Date
- Departure
- Destination
- Takeoff Time
- Landing Time
Each entry is then broken up into a flight plan (not the one created befre flight but the one of actuals after the flight... ie if you skip a waypoint
it will then show that you skipped it etc)
As you might see its a feature rich product and therefore I would like SWAFO to review the product and tell us if he thinks FSNav might be better from
a practical point of view... features are not always important if a product is lacking severly in a specific department. My concern here is that im
still trying to figure out where to input my expected fuel consumption for the different phases of the flight. Im not sure where FSCommander gets
that info from atm or if it is guestimates... thats the one major concern I have.
If anyone is interested don't buy the product until you evaluated the fully functional trial... also read the pdf file in the docs directory once you
installed it else you might not know of certain features etc. The trial i think limits you to 30min and then you have to restart/load it again but as
mentioned above is fully functional.
as I dont run FSNav etc.
General Features
- Runs in FS9 and gives a moving map etc
- Also functions as standalone (Nice for plannign etc before even starting FS9
- Downloadable databases (Waypoints, Sids, Stars etc)
- User definable Waypoints etc
- Database sync feature so users can sync their database with each other
- You can load or save Flight Plans, Route Segements (Departure segments, Arrival Segments or Enroute Segments)
- Display of Departure/Arival Paths
Info displayed on map
- VORs
- NDBs
- ILS's
- Outer, Middle markers
- Intersections
- GPS Fixes
- Low Altitude Airways
- High Altitude Airways
- Airspaces
- MSA (Minimum Safe Altitude)
- Airports
- Taxiways
- Airport Aprons
- Airport Gate and Parking Postitions
- Flight Plan Plotted on Map
- AI Traffic
- Runways Approach Path
Traffic once in flight on moving map displays
- Tail Number
- Flight level
- Ground Speed of Traffic
- Departure Airport of Traffic (If in air)
- Arrival Airport of traffic
If you zoom in below 5nm all traffic is displayed (Ground, Air) else only traffic in air is displayed.
Includes TCAS warnings.
Includes GPS.
Includes Weather (Surface Weather, Ambient Weather, Winds etc)
Flight Recording (Black Box) recording
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Heading
- Attitude
- Pitch
- Bank
- True Airspeed
If you recorded your flight hor and vert paths will display in seperate windows.
Flight plans displays the following that can be printed before even starting FS9
- Flight Info (Aircraft, Distance, Flight Time, Flight Level, Cruising Speed)
- Departure Info
- Arrival info
- General Flight Info broken up into
- Climb
- Cruise
- Decent
- Fuel (Total, Climb, Cruise, Decent, Approach)
- Alternate Airport (ICAO ID, Distance, Course, Elevation, ATIS)
- Departure and Arrival Routes (Brief description for each departure route (runway) as well as each arrival route (runway))
- Waypoints (Each waypoint is a row broken up into columns)
- Code
- Name
- Freq
- Course (True/Magnetic)
- Distance
- Time
When flying in FS9 the following columns is added
- Ave GS (Ground Speed)
- Altitude
- Fuel Consuption
Clicking on waypoints moves the map to that waypoint
Test Flight plans for legality (Example if you want to use Airway UZ717 with FL210 it will display 25000 minimum altitude required etc)
Fuel Window
- Only available after you file flight plan
- Displays estimated fuel for the flight
- Contingency Fuel (Reserve)
- Alternate Fuel
- Holding Fuel (Based on holding for 30min if ATC requests you to hold)
- It will also display Number of fuel stops if necessary
Airport Preview
- Airport Map
- Runways
- Taxiways
- Parking
- Airport Info
- Printable
Runway Window Dsiplays Graphics of
- Departure Airport (Layout)
- Arrival Airport (Layout)
- Approach Chart for selected runway (Not same detail as Jeppesen etc but useable)
- Printable
Procedure Window
- Allows you to create holding patterns etc
- Each procedure has 4 reference points
- By default each procedure 4min... 1 min for each leg and turn (Can be changed)
- Default speed is aircrafts approach speed (Can be changed)
- Waypoints for flight will be displayed and you can select for which waypoint the procedure is (if applicable)
- Setting up of general procedure info etc
- Graphical Display of procedure
Logbook keeps track of recorded flights
- Date
- Departure
- Destination
- Takeoff Time
- Landing Time
Each entry is then broken up into a flight plan (not the one created befre flight but the one of actuals after the flight... ie if you skip a waypoint
it will then show that you skipped it etc)
As you might see its a feature rich product and therefore I would like SWAFO to review the product and tell us if he thinks FSNav might be better from
a practical point of view... features are not always important if a product is lacking severly in a specific department. My concern here is that im
still trying to figure out where to input my expected fuel consumption for the different phases of the flight. Im not sure where FSCommander gets
that info from atm or if it is guestimates... thats the one major concern I have.
If anyone is interested don't buy the product until you evaluated the fully functional trial... also read the pdf file in the docs directory once you
installed it else you might not know of certain features etc. The trial i think limits you to 30min and then you have to restart/load it again but as
mentioned above is fully functional.
![[Image: dash7l6ar.jpg]](http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/8638/dash7l6ar.jpg)