04-08-2005, 03:50 PM
Quote:aibiria wrote:
hang on, fs9 added a lot. Well....
When I look at fs8 and at fs9 i see better clouds in deed, better weather BUT I don't see any of these improvements:
- AI is really crazy:
The other day landing my a320 in EGLL a bloody small 737 passed over me as I wasn't existed.
How many problems do you have with the really stupid AI waiting to depart??
How many goings around you do a week because this AI traffic takes ages to clear off the runway? hahaha lol. Really, they don't give a
s***t, they take their time. Slowly slowly, careful darling I don't want to drop my tea
This is the best one!!!
You've just lost an engine, afterwards you start to lose altitute, and then the bloody controller starts asking you
IBERIA XXXX. Please ascend and maintain FL330.
And you are kind of. WHAT THE ****??? Don't you see I don't have an engine. Of course she doesn't. THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN
DECLARE AN EMERGENCY. However, the lady don't care and carry on telling you CLIMB CLIMB TO FL330. You get upset, you can't do
nothing at all, and your plane keeps going down till the bloody idiot insists saying:
IBERIA XXXX. Could you please confirm last transmition?
Then it's when I press the HEAVEN buttom of my computer and then I start all over again.
Why is there no way to know the active runway of the aiport so you can plan your approach during cruise level??
Why is there no cars at the road?? (heheheh Asking for a little bit more you know)
flight simulator has to improve. PLEASE GIVE TO THE AI A LITTLE MORE OF BRAIN!!! Anyways, we will always ask for more.
Best Regards!
Your post is quite ignorant. What are you trying to do? Prove me wrong? You can't deny the fact that FS9 improved over FS8 quite a bit,
and added a lot of new features. The things you mention (you go on and on about AI Traffic), aren't really things that MS would add, just
minor improvements they would make.
You want cars on the road? Make your own textures with cars on the road, or download some! I've got some, and guess what? I NEVER
You wanna plan your approach while cruising? You can hear the ATIS transmission at 50-100NM out, and if you're not happy with that,
why don't you set the wind conditions manually, therefore KNOWING what runway is in use.
I'm sorry, but MSFS is a GAME, and always has been a GAME! You're bickering to the wrong people about the minor improvements you
want to see. You want a GAME that fits your liking? Make ONE! Stop buying Microsoft's products if all you're going to do is bitch about
them! You say you have FS8? Ok, go back to flying FS8, then we'll see how you come crawling back to FS9 saying you love it! Microsoft
has come a far way since their first version of FS, and we can only expect them to go FURTHER. However, any further is an added
bonus. Like the simulator for what it is, and stop bitching about every little thing, or don't post in this forum. We don't like you constant