02-08-2005, 04:13 PM
Was just doing a quick ABQ-LAS flight before I go to work here in a few hours, and BAM! FS froze up for the FIRST TIME! To say the least,
I'm quite upset and disappointed, and not sure what caused it. I've recently begun installing the Freeware terrain mesh available here:
Has anyone else had problems with this terrain? That's the only culprit that I can think of. I was exactly 188.3NM from PGS VORTAC on
the 080 degree radial inbound. I was reading todays paper, and looked up to see that the aircraft wasn't moving at all, although the
sounds were playing (engine, ambient, etc.). I noticed that the ground below me looked like a light pink desert-scape, although in front of
me (about 50-60 miles), it looked like a light brown desert. Could there be a problem with the scenery? I tried re-loading my flight from
parked at the gate at KABQ, and it froze at 81% when it was activating the air traffic. Has anyone else had this problem?
I'm quite frustrated, and will probably take a short break from FS (but not the forums) until I find out what the problem is. I don't want to fly
when I've got the risk of having the program crash.
I'm quite upset and disappointed, and not sure what caused it. I've recently begun installing the Freeware terrain mesh available here:
Has anyone else had problems with this terrain? That's the only culprit that I can think of. I was exactly 188.3NM from PGS VORTAC on
the 080 degree radial inbound. I was reading todays paper, and looked up to see that the aircraft wasn't moving at all, although the
sounds were playing (engine, ambient, etc.). I noticed that the ground below me looked like a light pink desert-scape, although in front of
me (about 50-60 miles), it looked like a light brown desert. Could there be a problem with the scenery? I tried re-loading my flight from
parked at the gate at KABQ, and it froze at 81% when it was activating the air traffic. Has anyone else had this problem?
I'm quite frustrated, and will probably take a short break from FS (but not the forums) until I find out what the problem is. I don't want to fly
when I've got the risk of having the program crash.