29-07-2005, 09:05 PM
Yep, with winds calm or below 5KTS, we'll always use the primary landing/takeoff runway(s) (if they're designated). We can request any
runway we'd like, with a tailwind up to 10KTS, however it's obviously not always given to us. Normally, we'll request runways (even if they
have up to a 10kt tailwind) that will expedite us along our route. ATC will usually grant us our chosen runway, unless it conflicts with the
airports traffic flow and/or meteorologic conditions; or if they're in a bad mood.
runway we'd like, with a tailwind up to 10KTS, however it's obviously not always given to us. Normally, we'll request runways (even if they
have up to a 10kt tailwind) that will expedite us along our route. ATC will usually grant us our chosen runway, unless it conflicts with the
airports traffic flow and/or meteorologic conditions; or if they're in a bad mood.