01-08-2005, 06:52 AM
You guys hit the nail on the head for me....thank you very much. That is precisely what happens.....turbulence more notably it happens but
even in clear conditions the a/p system will sometimes exceed 250. If it ever comes close I've gotten in the habit of asking for clearance
which I usually get.
It's on the descent path.....if I come in hot and ask for clearance to exceed 250 they will deny it most often.
Anyways, I've pretty much set my blw 10,000 ft spd to 235 and now it rarely exceed the limit anyhow.
Thanks guys
even in clear conditions the a/p system will sometimes exceed 250. If it ever comes close I've gotten in the habit of asking for clearance
which I usually get.
It's on the descent path.....if I come in hot and ask for clearance to exceed 250 they will deny it most often.
Anyways, I've pretty much set my blw 10,000 ft spd to 235 and now it rarely exceed the limit anyhow.
Thanks guys