12-08-2005, 02:26 PM
I most favorite this add on. i love this.
I have fs2crew, flight deck companion too.
i think... but.. some need patch or update for this program.
i want..
1. don't stop boarding sound when passengers during boarding. (ex. fs2crew)
2. i need some captain or co polot announce sound files and operation buttons for virtual passengers.
(ex. after mayday warning announce , when i find solution. captain or co pilot can safe announce to passangers.
and also, when i contact very strong turbulence , captain can announce safe message to passangers.
also, extra service message . it will upgrade make more fun fs2004 and more take popular your add on. ^_____^
3. captain or co pilot can call crew, and request some drinks or another.
4. PMDG744 FUEL PAYLOAD fix. this time may be... no problem short distance flight. but, long distance flight, can't fill up fuel.
if i check fuel in fspassenger program 80% load, but actually only 40% loaded. please check this problem.
5. Some free add on airport, happen unknown reason building crash. i use RKSI In cheon INTL airport, and RKPC Jeju intl airport.
that's crash occure this airports. please check and find solution. you can find this airport scenery at AVSIM.COM
6. RKSS Kimpo INTL is i can see airport name when i put destination airport and arrival time. BUT I can't see RKSI In-cheon INTL
airport name. It is not serius problem. but this time South KOREA major INTL is not RKSS. THIS time is RKSI. And also
RKSI In-cheon INTL is this time Most important airport in East ASIA. KOREAN AIR , ASIANA AIR LINE home airport is RKSI.
It's not important in FSPasseners program, but check please.
I waited your program from MAY and purchased, I announced and advertise to south korean simmers. some guys bought your
program. they want more update Fspassengers 2004.
I Love this program. this time i'm not use another voice programs. please.. check my request.
-Demian Kim-
our Forum (only Korean language) is http://cafe.daum.net/msflight
I have fs2crew, flight deck companion too.
i think... but.. some need patch or update for this program.
i want..
1. don't stop boarding sound when passengers during boarding. (ex. fs2crew)
2. i need some captain or co polot announce sound files and operation buttons for virtual passengers.
(ex. after mayday warning announce , when i find solution. captain or co pilot can safe announce to passangers.
and also, when i contact very strong turbulence , captain can announce safe message to passangers.
also, extra service message . it will upgrade make more fun fs2004 and more take popular your add on. ^_____^
3. captain or co pilot can call crew, and request some drinks or another.
4. PMDG744 FUEL PAYLOAD fix. this time may be... no problem short distance flight. but, long distance flight, can't fill up fuel.
if i check fuel in fspassenger program 80% load, but actually only 40% loaded. please check this problem.
5. Some free add on airport, happen unknown reason building crash. i use RKSI In cheon INTL airport, and RKPC Jeju intl airport.
that's crash occure this airports. please check and find solution. you can find this airport scenery at AVSIM.COM
6. RKSS Kimpo INTL is i can see airport name when i put destination airport and arrival time. BUT I can't see RKSI In-cheon INTL
airport name. It is not serius problem. but this time South KOREA major INTL is not RKSS. THIS time is RKSI. And also
RKSI In-cheon INTL is this time Most important airport in East ASIA. KOREAN AIR , ASIANA AIR LINE home airport is RKSI.
It's not important in FSPasseners program, but check please.
I waited your program from MAY and purchased, I announced and advertise to south korean simmers. some guys bought your
program. they want more update Fspassengers 2004.
I Love this program. this time i'm not use another voice programs. please.. check my request.
-Demian Kim-
our Forum (only Korean language) is http://cafe.daum.net/msflight