17-07-2005, 02:32 AM
First of all, oustanding work on a most needed piece of software. Rarely do I buy add-ons that are worth the price or even the right to call
themselves add-ons. In your case it is for sure and certainly the best ever since FSUIPC. Thanks!
Now, I must ask you about the extent of the capabilities of your program to create failures or cause unxepected events during a flight.
although, I do not think that your program is causing it, I feel compelled to ask.
Can an AI A/C be put in your way to the point of forcing you to take evasive actions or something of the sort.
I tried to get that flight in today, the 4th with your program ( 3 uneventful prior), from CYUL to KMIA in an AC-A321-211 using the E.
Marciano V2.2 panel and that AI A/C, Jet Blue 66 from hell is in my way for more than 20 miles until some how FS9 crashes to desktop.
Giving me a fault of some sort. G3D3.dll or an unknown .dll or some other dll of different nature. I replaced my no cd FS9.exe with the
original with the same results, after that, I reinstalled the official FS patch and again the same, crash to desktop. I even tried to get to that
point in the flight, off norfolk Virginia, at three different altitudes and speed to avoid the flight plan of that "SOB" and, there he is, always
there, a couple of thousands of feet above me forcing me to evade after multiple traffic warnings from ATC and TCAS.
Finally, I tought I would ask because it is the first and only time I have had that happening to me in FS with an AI and I rarely crashed to
desktop but, I do suspect the panel to be the cause unless you tell me FsPassengers can pull that one off.
First of all, oustanding work on a most needed piece of software. Rarely do I buy add-ons that are worth the price or even the right to call
themselves add-ons. In your case it is for sure and certainly the best ever since FSUIPC. Thanks!
Now, I must ask you about the extent of the capabilities of your program to create failures or cause unxepected events during a flight.
although, I do not think that your program is causing it, I feel compelled to ask.
Can an AI A/C be put in your way to the point of forcing you to take evasive actions or something of the sort.
I tried to get that flight in today, the 4th with your program ( 3 uneventful prior), from CYUL to KMIA in an AC-A321-211 using the E.
Marciano V2.2 panel and that AI A/C, Jet Blue 66 from hell is in my way for more than 20 miles until some how FS9 crashes to desktop.
Giving me a fault of some sort. G3D3.dll or an unknown .dll or some other dll of different nature. I replaced my no cd FS9.exe with the
original with the same results, after that, I reinstalled the official FS patch and again the same, crash to desktop. I even tried to get to that
point in the flight, off norfolk Virginia, at three different altitudes and speed to avoid the flight plan of that "SOB" and, there he is, always
there, a couple of thousands of feet above me forcing me to evade after multiple traffic warnings from ATC and TCAS.
Finally, I tought I would ask because it is the first and only time I have had that happening to me in FS with an AI and I rarely crashed to
desktop but, I do suspect the panel to be the cause unless you tell me FsPassengers can pull that one off.