01-08-2005, 06:28 AM
I was just taking off on my way back home. I lifted off fine but as soon as I hit take-off speed, all the lights on my plane went out. I still had
an operational engine so I came around and landed back at the airport after calling an emergency.
Upon landing and ending the flight, it says that there was no emergency, docked me a ton of money. I have never used any of the other
failure setting in FS so I don't know what happened.
I didn't hit anything special on the controls when it happened. I was too busy trying to keep the plane straight to get it airborne. When I
got back to the gate I checked all the switches and the battery and alternator switches were both on.
$250,000 is quite a fine for my little airline of two C182's.
Is it possible for a failure to occur because of FsP and not have FsP recognize it? This is the first real failure I've had. The only other
problem I've had was caused by me forgetting to turn off the war zone in Oakland. And like I said, I have never used the failure settings in
standard FS, nor do I have any other add-on software.
an operational engine so I came around and landed back at the airport after calling an emergency.
Upon landing and ending the flight, it says that there was no emergency, docked me a ton of money. I have never used any of the other
failure setting in FS so I don't know what happened.
I didn't hit anything special on the controls when it happened. I was too busy trying to keep the plane straight to get it airborne. When I
got back to the gate I checked all the switches and the battery and alternator switches were both on.
$250,000 is quite a fine for my little airline of two C182's.
Is it possible for a failure to occur because of FsP and not have FsP recognize it? This is the first real failure I've had. The only other
problem I've had was caused by me forgetting to turn off the war zone in Oakland. And like I said, I have never used the failure settings in
standard FS, nor do I have any other add-on software.