24-07-2005, 10:53 PM
First, I must say that I enjoy the program immensely! Kudos to Dan.
Second, I have created a profile using an executive helicopter (S-92). After doing some tweeking on the payloads and aircarft config file, I
have successfully completed two flights with 100% PAX ratings and crew announcements working as they should. Unfortunately, I
cannot get around the point deductions for incorrect flap settings during take off and landing. Obviously, helicopters don't require flaps. I
have disabled the warning sounds so I don't have to listen to my "Bitchin' Bob" copilot; but I have yet to see any FSPAX settings that will
enable me to override the flap setting requirements (or penalty for not using flaps). I do realize that FSPAX was not neccessarily
designed for helicopters, however, now that I have successfully created payloads, it would be extremely useful if I were able to
temporarily disable the flap setting penalties when using the helicopter. I would appreciate any assistance or suggestions anyone could
offer. Incedentally, I thought that I would be able to "trick" FSPAX by "installing" flaps (with "0" effect on pitch, drag, and lift) within the
[electrical] and [flaps] section of the .cfg file; but they will not operate. I assume then, that the .air file must have something to do with
having flaps being operable as well. Being that I have never edited .air files, I thought it best for me to restore the original .cfg (without
flaps) and see if you guys had any suggestions on how to solve the problem. By the way, once I've been able to figure this out, I plan on
posting my helo payloads. I'm sure there will be quite a few rotorheads that would enjoy that expansion of FSPAX abilities as much as I
First, I must say that I enjoy the program immensely! Kudos to Dan.
Second, I have created a profile using an executive helicopter (S-92). After doing some tweeking on the payloads and aircarft config file, I
have successfully completed two flights with 100% PAX ratings and crew announcements working as they should. Unfortunately, I
cannot get around the point deductions for incorrect flap settings during take off and landing. Obviously, helicopters don't require flaps. I
have disabled the warning sounds so I don't have to listen to my "Bitchin' Bob" copilot; but I have yet to see any FSPAX settings that will
enable me to override the flap setting requirements (or penalty for not using flaps). I do realize that FSPAX was not neccessarily
designed for helicopters, however, now that I have successfully created payloads, it would be extremely useful if I were able to
temporarily disable the flap setting penalties when using the helicopter. I would appreciate any assistance or suggestions anyone could
offer. Incedentally, I thought that I would be able to "trick" FSPAX by "installing" flaps (with "0" effect on pitch, drag, and lift) within the
[electrical] and [flaps] section of the .cfg file; but they will not operate. I assume then, that the .air file must have something to do with
having flaps being operable as well. Being that I have never edited .air files, I thought it best for me to restore the original .cfg (without
flaps) and see if you guys had any suggestions on how to solve the problem. By the way, once I've been able to figure this out, I plan on
posting my helo payloads. I'm sure there will be quite a few rotorheads that would enjoy that expansion of FSPAX abilities as much as I
Three Green!