29-06-2006, 03:58 PM
Once I had my 12 hour flight from KSFO to VHHH in B744 anyways I figured I'sd save fuel by turning off engine 1 & 4 and i did save fuel and
suprisingly the plane stayed airbourne but just about 10 mins from start of descend i felt the music in me and I had to go potty, so anyways my cat
jumped on the keyboard disenjaging the AP and then she started rubbing against the joystick so when I came back I saw my mom lauging in my room cause
she saw the whole thing and she did'nt do anything to stop my kitty, or at least she said it was the cat
suprisingly the plane stayed airbourne but just about 10 mins from start of descend i felt the music in me and I had to go potty, so anyways my cat
jumped on the keyboard disenjaging the AP and then she started rubbing against the joystick so when I came back I saw my mom lauging in my room cause
she saw the whole thing and she did'nt do anything to stop my kitty, or at least she said it was the cat
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