27-08-2007, 04:57 PM
Hey gang, I have a question concerning Planned Arrival Time.
Three times now I've had it change en route -- twice, adding about 17 hours and once deducting an hour, costing me penalties in the
end. Is there some secret to the stability of the clock? I have FS9 configured to use FS "flight time", not "system time", and before any
flight I use FSRealClock to set the FS9 time to real-world. I exit FSRealClock and don't fly with it running, so the clock should just tick
along merrily. It just really gets my goat when I see the arrival time change to 17 hours or lose an hour. And yes, I KNOW I set the clock
properly going into the flight.
Anybody had experience with this issue?
Three times now I've had it change en route -- twice, adding about 17 hours and once deducting an hour, costing me penalties in the
end. Is there some secret to the stability of the clock? I have FS9 configured to use FS "flight time", not "system time", and before any
flight I use FSRealClock to set the FS9 time to real-world. I exit FSRealClock and don't fly with it running, so the clock should just tick
along merrily. It just really gets my goat when I see the arrival time change to 17 hours or lose an hour. And yes, I KNOW I set the clock
properly going into the flight.
Anybody had experience with this issue?