25-07-2007, 01:56 PM
I'm sick and tired of reading endless threads on how someone's FsP is closing or they forgot their code.
There are tonnes of such threads, please refrain from posting more and waiting for one of us to help you.
We do not sign up specifically to help you, if you are to lazy to read through the forum or use the FAQ, Tough!
Also, if we do not help you, don't start complaining, we've done it for the following reasons:
1. We've answered it before
2. Your attitude towards the matter stinks and we do not want to help
So please, just read the forum!
There are tonnes of such threads, please refrain from posting more and waiting for one of us to help you.
We do not sign up specifically to help you, if you are to lazy to read through the forum or use the FAQ, Tough!
Also, if we do not help you, don't start complaining, we've done it for the following reasons:
1. We've answered it before
2. Your attitude towards the matter stinks and we do not want to help
So please, just read the forum!
