16-07-2012, 01:26 PM
Hello , guys ...
I'm sorry but I have a problem need help.
I tried to explain to everyone, hope you can understand
sorry for my English.
The problem begin when I buy a new Audio Card , It is "ASUS Xonar D2X"
I don't know where had problem but after I use this card have crash at sky(after take off) everytime.
I no have to change any Voicepack, use Originally Voicepack.
but i got some problem ...
When i turn power on my Airplane , and use hotkey to change COM1 , COM2.
F/O say : COM1 , and I press two times , F/O should to say : COM2
This is normal , but problem is every time i change COM1 or 2 , or NAV1 , NAV2 anyway
When I pressing 2 tims , the second sound always is short sound , of course function is normal.
But "COM2" "NAV2" "Squerke" ... many, all just make short sound , not integrals sound .
When I after take off , start service my passenger , text when show top on FSX window
and repeat text like "We passing 10,000ft" or "We're now service drink ,,,," something ... just repeat repeat repeat and repeat..
Never stop text , and no when had this problem's time , always NO HAVE any sound , and after few time FSX will crash at unknow reason.
I dont know how to take the problem , I try reinstall Audio card Driver , reintall my Windows7 ... reinstall FSX , ... no have any use.
and I just open FSX to fly , no have this problem anymore , .... so i can make sure the problem is on FSpassengerX , ...
anyone know how can I fix it ? Thanks ... really .
I dont know what can i do now.
(Sorry for my English level ... )
I'm sorry but I have a problem need help.
I tried to explain to everyone, hope you can understand
sorry for my English.
The problem begin when I buy a new Audio Card , It is "ASUS Xonar D2X"
I don't know where had problem but after I use this card have crash at sky(after take off) everytime.
I no have to change any Voicepack, use Originally Voicepack.
but i got some problem ...
When i turn power on my Airplane , and use hotkey to change COM1 , COM2.
F/O say : COM1 , and I press two times , F/O should to say : COM2
This is normal , but problem is every time i change COM1 or 2 , or NAV1 , NAV2 anyway
When I pressing 2 tims , the second sound always is short sound , of course function is normal.
But "COM2" "NAV2" "Squerke" ... many, all just make short sound , not integrals sound .
When I after take off , start service my passenger , text when show top on FSX window
and repeat text like "We passing 10,000ft" or "We're now service drink ,,,," something ... just repeat repeat repeat and repeat..
Never stop text , and no when had this problem's time , always NO HAVE any sound , and after few time FSX will crash at unknow reason.
I dont know how to take the problem , I try reinstall Audio card Driver , reintall my Windows7 ... reinstall FSX , ... no have any use.
and I just open FSX to fly , no have this problem anymore , .... so i can make sure the problem is on FSpassengerX , ...
anyone know how can I fix it ? Thanks ... really .
I dont know what can i do now.
(Sorry for my English level ... )