08-07-2007, 08:20 AM
I'm not sure what caused it, but I'm having trouble with my departure and arrival airports. I always list where I'm going when I begin a flight. For
whatever reason when the flight is nearing completion (I think more so at the gate after shutdown), my flights always change to say they left from
ESOW and the arrival airport was where I left from. Obviously this kills my points as I can never land at the right airport. I read the FAQ about
payware and addon airports causing problems however I don't think this is the case as I've flown from them before without issues and it also occurs at
airports with default scenery. If it makes any different I remember seeing the problem occur after installing Megascenery Pacific Northwest, Norcal,
and Socal. Any help would be great.
whatever reason when the flight is nearing completion (I think more so at the gate after shutdown), my flights always change to say they left from
ESOW and the arrival airport was where I left from. Obviously this kills my points as I can never land at the right airport. I read the FAQ about
payware and addon airports causing problems however I don't think this is the case as I've flown from them before without issues and it also occurs at
airports with default scenery. If it makes any different I remember seeing the problem occur after installing Megascenery Pacific Northwest, Norcal,
and Socal. Any help would be great.