28-07-2005, 02:08 PM
Hi Dan and the Team,
Witthout a doubt your program will soon be the center core for all Developers be it Aircrafts or Flight planners. As it is right now there are
other complex aircrafts out there right now that are not integrated (at least their load systems) with FsP yet we cannot go without your
program and are "force" to use it. Such program as FSBuild needs certain parameters set for a choosen aircraft to correctly set a defined
flight plan which means we need weights and others which with your program can only be attain by starting FsP. My question is are you
going to do a major upgrade (Payable) that integrate all these little stuff that we hard core simmers need as well as FsP, so we can
realistically set things as in real world? Keeping in mind too that a new "sheriff" (PMDG 744) is coming to town with yet again their own
loading program. Once again without a doubt developers are going to work around your program in the very near future and your
feedbacks will be well appreciated. Thnx
Witthout a doubt your program will soon be the center core for all Developers be it Aircrafts or Flight planners. As it is right now there are
other complex aircrafts out there right now that are not integrated (at least their load systems) with FsP yet we cannot go without your
program and are "force" to use it. Such program as FSBuild needs certain parameters set for a choosen aircraft to correctly set a defined
flight plan which means we need weights and others which with your program can only be attain by starting FsP. My question is are you
going to do a major upgrade (Payable) that integrate all these little stuff that we hard core simmers need as well as FsP, so we can
realistically set things as in real world? Keeping in mind too that a new "sheriff" (PMDG 744) is coming to town with yet again their own
loading program. Once again without a doubt developers are going to work around your program in the very near future and your
feedbacks will be well appreciated. Thnx