14-07-2005, 04:15 PM
This may be a bit long - forgive me. I've really looked forward to this release and greatly admire the work put into it. I bought it at once,
however, I do seem to be having problems. I have two main areas of concern. Firstly FSP itself - I understood that it would work with any
add-on plane and other add-on progs. This has been emphasised many times. I wonder if it has been tested with a prog called
Key2mouse. I don't use keyboard or mouse but have built a number of panels - whose switches, knobs and buttons simulate
keypresses and communicate with FS via Key2mouse. As an eg, I press a switch on my panel which sends 'shift j' to my plane;
Key2mouse locates the keypress to the correct pixel and the plane's battery switch is turned on. When I try with FSP, it works but is
accompanied by a voice .wav file - short, just one word. This happens with a number of different keypresses. There is no hot key conflict
so I'm not sure why this happens.
Secondly, I was surprised when I tried to load my favourite plane - Flt 1 ATR, to find that there was a problem - it was necessary to alter
the plane's .cfg file in order for it to work. Fair enough, tho' it would have been nice to have been aware of this possible problem before I
bought FSP. I just wonder if the changes made could have an effect on the plane itself. On the one flight I tested, I did notice a number of
differences, the biggest being on final approach, where the ATR had a very nose down aspect. This has not been present on previous
flights in the plane.
When I started the one engine in 'hotel' mode, I seemed to get the full sounds of two engines starting up - a considerable roar!! There
were a number of other issues, but these could have been probs of my own creation - more testing needed.
Finally, when I came to load passengers etc, the button allowing timed entry was grayed out - maybe 'cos the ATR has a rear entry?
However, when I tried using the load immediately button, nothing happened - no passengers boarded. Eventually I got frustrated and
left 'em on the ramp.
Can anyone make any sense of this and maybe offer a ray of hope. If I can't get this sorted out, FSP is going to be unusable for me.
however, I do seem to be having problems. I have two main areas of concern. Firstly FSP itself - I understood that it would work with any
add-on plane and other add-on progs. This has been emphasised many times. I wonder if it has been tested with a prog called
Key2mouse. I don't use keyboard or mouse but have built a number of panels - whose switches, knobs and buttons simulate
keypresses and communicate with FS via Key2mouse. As an eg, I press a switch on my panel which sends 'shift j' to my plane;
Key2mouse locates the keypress to the correct pixel and the plane's battery switch is turned on. When I try with FSP, it works but is
accompanied by a voice .wav file - short, just one word. This happens with a number of different keypresses. There is no hot key conflict
so I'm not sure why this happens.
Secondly, I was surprised when I tried to load my favourite plane - Flt 1 ATR, to find that there was a problem - it was necessary to alter
the plane's .cfg file in order for it to work. Fair enough, tho' it would have been nice to have been aware of this possible problem before I
bought FSP. I just wonder if the changes made could have an effect on the plane itself. On the one flight I tested, I did notice a number of
differences, the biggest being on final approach, where the ATR had a very nose down aspect. This has not been present on previous
flights in the plane.
When I started the one engine in 'hotel' mode, I seemed to get the full sounds of two engines starting up - a considerable roar!! There
were a number of other issues, but these could have been probs of my own creation - more testing needed.
Finally, when I came to load passengers etc, the button allowing timed entry was grayed out - maybe 'cos the ATR has a rear entry?
However, when I tried using the load immediately button, nothing happened - no passengers boarded. Eventually I got frustrated and
left 'em on the ramp.
Can anyone make any sense of this and maybe offer a ray of hope. If I can't get this sorted out, FSP is going to be unusable for me.