09-02-2007, 06:18 PM
I got a bit bored and I decided to go through the FS Pax sounds and I was astonished at how little of them I had heard having used PS
Pax for about a year now. For example: cpl_abortlanding says go around intiated, landing aborted. I have done many go arounds in FS
Pax so why has this sound never been activated? Have I missed something? also however many times I give the passengers hot food I
never get any (virtually) even though there is a sound to support this. I never get any sandwiches either.
Apparently sometimes the passengers should be cold but this never happens. Is this because there is no way to turn the temp up in a
normal FS9 aircraft and only in payware aircraft. Does this particular sound only come up in payware aircraft?
There are supposed to be annoying passengers: cruise_annoy1 and cruise_annoy
One that I would like to hear would be the copilot saying please feel free to unfasten your seat belts which is cpl_unfastenseatbelt but
once again i have never heard it.
Also there are three sounds about the spoilers: cpl_spoilerout cpl_spoilerout and cpl_spoilerarmed although these are only small they
add a lot of realism. Like these are cpl_gearup and cpl_gearlockgreen which tell the pilot that the gear is up or down and locked once
again these are small but add realism.
cpl_fastenwind is the copilot telling the passengers to fasten their seatbelts during turbulence. Why is this not used?
This may be something to do with my settings or something like that.
Reading this back it seems like I am having a go but I assure you I am not I am just bringing this to your attention if it had not already
been. If this has been brought to your attention please give me a link to the page where I can find out where I can enable these sounds.
Pax for about a year now. For example: cpl_abortlanding says go around intiated, landing aborted. I have done many go arounds in FS
Pax so why has this sound never been activated? Have I missed something? also however many times I give the passengers hot food I
never get any (virtually) even though there is a sound to support this. I never get any sandwiches either.
Apparently sometimes the passengers should be cold but this never happens. Is this because there is no way to turn the temp up in a
normal FS9 aircraft and only in payware aircraft. Does this particular sound only come up in payware aircraft?
There are supposed to be annoying passengers: cruise_annoy1 and cruise_annoy
One that I would like to hear would be the copilot saying please feel free to unfasten your seat belts which is cpl_unfastenseatbelt but
once again i have never heard it.
Also there are three sounds about the spoilers: cpl_spoilerout cpl_spoilerout and cpl_spoilerarmed although these are only small they
add a lot of realism. Like these are cpl_gearup and cpl_gearlockgreen which tell the pilot that the gear is up or down and locked once
again these are small but add realism.
cpl_fastenwind is the copilot telling the passengers to fasten their seatbelts during turbulence. Why is this not used?
This may be something to do with my settings or something like that.
Reading this back it seems like I am having a go but I assure you I am not I am just bringing this to your attention if it had not already
been. If this has been brought to your attention please give me a link to the page where I can find out where I can enable these sounds.