04-08-2005, 05:26 PM
Dear Dan,
First of all , I would like to thank you for this great add-on , I really loved this
add on & I think it is changing the way we are using FS2004.
Last week I downloaded the DEMO version just to try it for a couple of weeks
before buying , but unfortunatly I was disapointed by the large number of bugs.
I thought it could be the cracked fs9.exe file ( I have the original FS2004 but I am
using this crack to keep my FS CDs in safe place not my system's CD drive), then
I completely formated my PC & reinstalled the FS2004 but no differense , the
game still buggy.. then I shift the game to my office PC & the same results here.
This is some of the problems I faced:
1) An emergincy occur during the flight , so if I declare a mayday , I will get panelty
for issuing a fake emergincy call, where there was a true emergency but not
detected by FSP. ( the emergincy system in FS2004 is already off).
2) When flying with speed accelerator X16 , then once you change it to Normal
speed (time acceleratior OFF) , the "fspassengers" option which is located next
to help option in the menu (alt button during the flight). this problem is rarly
happning but it is very discusting bug,since it is happining near to the destination.
3) One fine day I was talking to the tower, asking the permission for taxi & my
passengers are boarding then suddenly I am receiving a message telling
me that I had a crash at zero speed & zero vertical speed, just see the report:
Flight MA539 End of flight report Date August 04 2005
Flight ID: MA539
Pilot: Abdullah M. Lahmadi
Company: World Travel
Aircraft: A310-304ET Emirates
Flight Date: August 04 2005
Departure: 20h14 (03h14 GMT)
Arrival: --
From: ----
To: ----
Nbr of Passengers: 1
Accident Report:
The aircraft crashed at 20h14 hitting ground at 0 kt with a vert. speed of 0 ft/m.
There were no known failures on this aircraft at the time of the accident.The
cause of the crash remains unknown but the weather conditions were bad at
the time of the crash. Probable causes to the accident are most likely human
error in bad weather. No emergency was declared before the crash.
-1 passengers aboard
-0 killed
-0 injured
-Pilot and flight crew were safe
Flight Distance: 0 Nm Landing Speed: --
Time Airborne: 00h00:00 Landing Touchdown: --
Flight Time (block): 00h00:00 Landing Pitch: --
Time On Ground: 00h00:00 Landing Weight: --
Average Speed: -- Total Fuel Used: 0 lbs
Max. Altitude: 0ft Fuel Not Used: 97311 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Terror and grief. (0%)
Crash Financial Report:
Taking into account the state of the aircraft and its current resale value after the crash.
The insurance company decided to pay a total of $0 which represents 0.00% of the
resale value. You can now decide to repair or sell the wreck. The insurance will
pay all other damages. The insurance rate increased by 0.00% and is now 4.32%.
Total Sim Income: $0
Company Reputation:
Due to the crash, your company reputation is now: 73% (-0.00 decrease)
Overall flight Results: No Flight (Flight will not be recorded)
Pilot's Penalty points: -850 points
Crash! You hit the ground with an impact speed of 0 ft/mn. There was no failure aboard
this aircraft before the crash and many passengers died because of pilot error. (-850)
Note: see the confilect between the Casualties & the Pilot's Penalty points (the RED colored).
Even I tried the fs9_patch.exe file but no improvement.
Please Dan , help me in this issue.
Thank you very much,
First of all , I would like to thank you for this great add-on , I really loved this
add on & I think it is changing the way we are using FS2004.
Last week I downloaded the DEMO version just to try it for a couple of weeks
before buying , but unfortunatly I was disapointed by the large number of bugs.
I thought it could be the cracked fs9.exe file ( I have the original FS2004 but I am
using this crack to keep my FS CDs in safe place not my system's CD drive), then
I completely formated my PC & reinstalled the FS2004 but no differense , the
game still buggy.. then I shift the game to my office PC & the same results here.
This is some of the problems I faced:
1) An emergincy occur during the flight , so if I declare a mayday , I will get panelty
for issuing a fake emergincy call, where there was a true emergency but not
detected by FSP. ( the emergincy system in FS2004 is already off).
2) When flying with speed accelerator X16 , then once you change it to Normal
speed (time acceleratior OFF) , the "fspassengers" option which is located next
to help option in the menu (alt button during the flight). this problem is rarly
happning but it is very discusting bug,since it is happining near to the destination.
3) One fine day I was talking to the tower, asking the permission for taxi & my
passengers are boarding then suddenly I am receiving a message telling
me that I had a crash at zero speed & zero vertical speed, just see the report:
Flight MA539 End of flight report Date August 04 2005
Flight ID: MA539
Pilot: Abdullah M. Lahmadi
Company: World Travel
Aircraft: A310-304ET Emirates
Flight Date: August 04 2005
Departure: 20h14 (03h14 GMT)
Arrival: --
From: ----
To: ----
Nbr of Passengers: 1
Accident Report:
The aircraft crashed at 20h14 hitting ground at 0 kt with a vert. speed of 0 ft/m.
There were no known failures on this aircraft at the time of the accident.The
cause of the crash remains unknown but the weather conditions were bad at
the time of the crash. Probable causes to the accident are most likely human
error in bad weather. No emergency was declared before the crash.
-1 passengers aboard
-0 killed
-0 injured
-Pilot and flight crew were safe
Flight Distance: 0 Nm Landing Speed: --
Time Airborne: 00h00:00 Landing Touchdown: --
Flight Time (block): 00h00:00 Landing Pitch: --
Time On Ground: 00h00:00 Landing Weight: --
Average Speed: -- Total Fuel Used: 0 lbs
Max. Altitude: 0ft Fuel Not Used: 97311 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Terror and grief. (0%)
Crash Financial Report:
Taking into account the state of the aircraft and its current resale value after the crash.
The insurance company decided to pay a total of $0 which represents 0.00% of the
resale value. You can now decide to repair or sell the wreck. The insurance will
pay all other damages. The insurance rate increased by 0.00% and is now 4.32%.
Total Sim Income: $0
Company Reputation:
Due to the crash, your company reputation is now: 73% (-0.00 decrease)
Overall flight Results: No Flight (Flight will not be recorded)
Pilot's Penalty points: -850 points
Crash! You hit the ground with an impact speed of 0 ft/mn. There was no failure aboard
this aircraft before the crash and many passengers died because of pilot error. (-850)
Note: see the confilect between the Casualties & the Pilot's Penalty points (the RED colored).
Even I tried the fs9_patch.exe file but no improvement.
Please Dan , help me in this issue.
Thank you very much,