01-06-2006, 03:18 AM
I ran a search on the forum hoping for a solution but found nothing (or didnt search right lol).
The problem with my FS Passengers is that it does not get a proper block time, The times GMT may show i flew 3 hours or whatnot, but blocktime appears
as 0h:00m. This happened in the past, but i quickly fixed it by doing a reinstallof FSPassengers. However as of late I had this problem plus a no
destination in my flights. Before anyone suggest 'check your GPS' nearest airports, already did and to no avail. I may be at my destination airport,
even got my GPS to read 0.0nm at the airport, ended flight... nothing. Destination appears as "- - -" as if I had no destination, and if I set a
destination airport when creating flights I get penalty that passengers are angry because they didnt arrive at their destination. I did reinstall
FSPassengers hoping the bug would go away but the destination problem still remained, the block time however did stop as it had in times past.
I reformated my computer yesterday to clear up space, so today I go back into FS and start FSPassengers now that it is installed, I had backedup my
database and payload folders from my previous FSPassengers installation and problem is there, anywhere I fly the destination is not registered. So I
deleted the content of the Database folder and went ahead and started a new company, made a short flight to see if the destination bug was fixed...
I hope that posting this here may help me solve the bug. Thanks.
The problem with my FS Passengers is that it does not get a proper block time, The times GMT may show i flew 3 hours or whatnot, but blocktime appears
as 0h:00m. This happened in the past, but i quickly fixed it by doing a reinstallof FSPassengers. However as of late I had this problem plus a no
destination in my flights. Before anyone suggest 'check your GPS' nearest airports, already did and to no avail. I may be at my destination airport,
even got my GPS to read 0.0nm at the airport, ended flight... nothing. Destination appears as "- - -" as if I had no destination, and if I set a
destination airport when creating flights I get penalty that passengers are angry because they didnt arrive at their destination. I did reinstall
FSPassengers hoping the bug would go away but the destination problem still remained, the block time however did stop as it had in times past.
I reformated my computer yesterday to clear up space, so today I go back into FS and start FSPassengers now that it is installed, I had backedup my
database and payload folders from my previous FSPassengers installation and problem is there, anywhere I fly the destination is not registered. So I
deleted the content of the Database folder and went ahead and started a new company, made a short flight to see if the destination bug was fixed...
I hope that posting this here may help me solve the bug. Thanks.