25-07-2005, 01:27 AM
I've noticed some of the requests here for coming versions are a bit unrealistic at times, anyway, here's a few things I imagine could be
1. Usually the seatbelt sign are turned on BEFORE the aircraft encounters the turbulence. Giving a bonus for keeping an eye on your WX-
radar and turning signs on in time would be a nice addition.
2. Why am I not allowed to fly with broken parts? If I wanna fly with operational fuel tank because I cant afford to repair the leaking one,
stop me? I agree it's realistic that the local authorities wouldn't want people flying around in broken aircrafts, but maybe instead when
flying with a defect airplane there would be a risk of getting a fine from the government.
3. Someway to make diversions without getting blamed for landing at the wrong place. Ofcourse there should still be somekind of
consequence as pax ofcourse not would be happy to end up the wrong place.
All I can think of right now. Great product btw!
Oh, and the question: Many aircrafts takeoff without using any flap, is there some way to takeoff without flaps with fsp without getting
I've noticed some of the requests here for coming versions are a bit unrealistic at times, anyway, here's a few things I imagine could be
1. Usually the seatbelt sign are turned on BEFORE the aircraft encounters the turbulence. Giving a bonus for keeping an eye on your WX-
radar and turning signs on in time would be a nice addition.
2. Why am I not allowed to fly with broken parts? If I wanna fly with operational fuel tank because I cant afford to repair the leaking one,
stop me? I agree it's realistic that the local authorities wouldn't want people flying around in broken aircrafts, but maybe instead when
flying with a defect airplane there would be a risk of getting a fine from the government.
3. Someway to make diversions without getting blamed for landing at the wrong place. Ofcourse there should still be somekind of
consequence as pax ofcourse not would be happy to end up the wrong place.
All I can think of right now. Great product btw!
Oh, and the question: Many aircrafts takeoff without using any flap, is there some way to takeoff without flaps with fsp without getting