15-07-2006, 07:12 PM
Following a last minute go-around (ATC decided to slot my MD11 in behind a little Mooney and I couldn't stop catching it up) I put my gear up and one
stayed down. Cycled the gear a couple of times and decided it wasn't going back up. External model and instruments showed the left rear as down.
Declared an emergency and came round again, which was a close thing - approach mode autopilot tried to nose me into the ground half a mile out, and
then got a slap on the wrist and 300 point penalty for declaring a false emergency. I've not got any other software installed that generates failures
so not quite sure where it came from if not from FSP...
stayed down. Cycled the gear a couple of times and decided it wasn't going back up. External model and instruments showed the left rear as down.
Declared an emergency and came round again, which was a close thing - approach mode autopilot tried to nose me into the ground half a mile out, and
then got a slap on the wrist and 300 point penalty for declaring a false emergency. I've not got any other software installed that generates failures
so not quite sure where it came from if not from FSP...