31-08-2012, 07:23 PM
Hi everyone,
I have a problem. When I do a long-haul flight with PMDG 747, I have no profits, I pay a high insurance for the aircraft, and I have no fleet
bonuses. This didn't happen to me before, and I haven't made any changes.
Here below, find two examples:
Hope you gimme a hand, regards.
Flight LH506 flight report log Date May 27 2012
Flight ID: LH506
Pilot: Leonel Aparicio
Company: Lufthansa
Aircraft: Boeing 747-400 Lufthansa
Flight Date: May 27 2012
Departure: 22h14 (20h14 GMT)
Arrival: 05h24 (08h25 GMT)
From: EDDF - Frankfurt Main - Germany
To: SBGR - Guarulhos - Brazil
Nbr of Passengers: 266
Flight Distance: 5,291 Nm Landing Speed: 141.90 kt
Time Airborne: 11h48:45 Landing Touchdown: -158.46 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 12h15:32 Landing Pitch: 3.65°
Time On Ground: 00h34:41 Landing Weight: 553638 lbs
Average Speed: 447.69 kt Total Fuel Used: 321554 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 380 Fuel Not Used: 42569 lbs
Climb Time: 00h24:51 Climb Fuel Used: 28749 lbs
Cruise Time: 10h33:26 Cruise Fuel Used: 272148 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 480.86 kt (M0.77) Cruise fuel/hour: 25778 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h50:28 Descent Fuel Used: 20656 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were irritated because they were hungry sometime during the flight.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +210'813€ (5,291 Nm)
Cargo Income: +176'446€ (71002 lbs)
Services Income: +3'103€ (2 sandwich 1 hot food 3 drink)
Services Cost: -3'501€ (80% quality)
Fuel Cost: -170'634€ (321554 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -545€ (Heavy Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -131'174€ (8.47% rate)
Total Real Income: 84'507€
Total Income: 4'225'365€ (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: 389'558€ (4 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: 4'614'923€ (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price normal, the service price normal and the service quality perfect, passengers on this
flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 89% (+1.04 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 820 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Long flight (11h48) without using time acceleration, without any problems and with satisfied passengers. (+590)
Flight BA297 flight report log Date August 25 2012
Flight ID: BA297
Pilot: Leonel Aparicio
Company: British Airways
Aircraft: Boeing 747-400 British Airways
Flight Date: August 25 2012
Departure: 20h35 (01h35 GMT)
Arrival: 09h30 (08h30 GMT)
From: KORD - Chicago Ohare Intl - Usa
To: EGLL - Heathrow - United Kingdom
Nbr of Passengers: 271
Flight Distance: 3,424 Nm Landing Speed: 146.90 kt
Time Airborne: 06h52:00 Landing Touchdown: -93.1 ft/m (kiss)
Flight Time (block): 07h03:28 Landing Pitch: 3.97°
Time On Ground: 00h17:05 Landing Weight: 573137 lbs
Average Speed: 498.47 kt Total Fuel Used: 175958 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 390 Fuel Not Used: 112616 lbs
Climb Time: 00h21:22 Climb Fuel Used: 22327 lbs
Cruise Time: 06h02:56 Cruise Fuel Used: 146671 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 525.14 kt (M0.83) Cruise fuel/hour: 24247 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h27:42 Descent Fuel Used: 6960 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +256'705€ (3,424 Nm)
Cargo Income: +49'225€ (19808 lbs)
Services Income: +2'880€ (2 sandwich 1 hot food 2 drink)
Services Cost: -3'908€ (100% quality)
Fuel Cost: -77'130€ (175958 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -887€ (Heavy Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -230'452€ (29.09% rate)
Total Real Income: -3'567€
Total Income: -178'369€ (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: 0€ (7 aircraft ,no flights today)
Total Sim Income: -178'369€ (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price normal, the service price normal and the service quality perfect, passengers on this
flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 96% (+0.36 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 673 points
You made a very smooth landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Long flight (06h52) without using time acceleration, without any problems and with satisfied passengers. (+343)
Extreme weather conditions during approach, but a safe landing and satisfied passengers. (+100)
I have a problem. When I do a long-haul flight with PMDG 747, I have no profits, I pay a high insurance for the aircraft, and I have no fleet
bonuses. This didn't happen to me before, and I haven't made any changes.
Here below, find two examples:
Hope you gimme a hand, regards.
Flight LH506 flight report log Date May 27 2012
Flight ID: LH506
Pilot: Leonel Aparicio
Company: Lufthansa
Aircraft: Boeing 747-400 Lufthansa
Flight Date: May 27 2012
Departure: 22h14 (20h14 GMT)
Arrival: 05h24 (08h25 GMT)
From: EDDF - Frankfurt Main - Germany
To: SBGR - Guarulhos - Brazil
Nbr of Passengers: 266
Flight Distance: 5,291 Nm Landing Speed: 141.90 kt
Time Airborne: 11h48:45 Landing Touchdown: -158.46 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 12h15:32 Landing Pitch: 3.65°
Time On Ground: 00h34:41 Landing Weight: 553638 lbs
Average Speed: 447.69 kt Total Fuel Used: 321554 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 380 Fuel Not Used: 42569 lbs
Climb Time: 00h24:51 Climb Fuel Used: 28749 lbs
Cruise Time: 10h33:26 Cruise Fuel Used: 272148 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 480.86 kt (M0.77) Cruise fuel/hour: 25778 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h50:28 Descent Fuel Used: 20656 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were irritated because they were hungry sometime during the flight.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +210'813€ (5,291 Nm)
Cargo Income: +176'446€ (71002 lbs)
Services Income: +3'103€ (2 sandwich 1 hot food 3 drink)
Services Cost: -3'501€ (80% quality)
Fuel Cost: -170'634€ (321554 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -545€ (Heavy Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -131'174€ (8.47% rate)
Total Real Income: 84'507€
Total Income: 4'225'365€ (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: 389'558€ (4 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: 4'614'923€ (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price normal, the service price normal and the service quality perfect, passengers on this
flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 89% (+1.04 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 820 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Long flight (11h48) without using time acceleration, without any problems and with satisfied passengers. (+590)
Flight BA297 flight report log Date August 25 2012
Flight ID: BA297
Pilot: Leonel Aparicio
Company: British Airways
Aircraft: Boeing 747-400 British Airways
Flight Date: August 25 2012
Departure: 20h35 (01h35 GMT)
Arrival: 09h30 (08h30 GMT)
From: KORD - Chicago Ohare Intl - Usa
To: EGLL - Heathrow - United Kingdom
Nbr of Passengers: 271
Flight Distance: 3,424 Nm Landing Speed: 146.90 kt
Time Airborne: 06h52:00 Landing Touchdown: -93.1 ft/m (kiss)
Flight Time (block): 07h03:28 Landing Pitch: 3.97°
Time On Ground: 00h17:05 Landing Weight: 573137 lbs
Average Speed: 498.47 kt Total Fuel Used: 175958 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 390 Fuel Not Used: 112616 lbs
Climb Time: 00h21:22 Climb Fuel Used: 22327 lbs
Cruise Time: 06h02:56 Cruise Fuel Used: 146671 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 525.14 kt (M0.83) Cruise fuel/hour: 24247 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h27:42 Descent Fuel Used: 6960 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +256'705€ (3,424 Nm)
Cargo Income: +49'225€ (19808 lbs)
Services Income: +2'880€ (2 sandwich 1 hot food 2 drink)
Services Cost: -3'908€ (100% quality)
Fuel Cost: -77'130€ (175958 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -887€ (Heavy Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -230'452€ (29.09% rate)
Total Real Income: -3'567€
Total Income: -178'369€ (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: 0€ (7 aircraft ,no flights today)
Total Sim Income: -178'369€ (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price normal, the service price normal and the service quality perfect, passengers on this
flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 96% (+0.36 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 673 points
You made a very smooth landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Long flight (06h52) without using time acceleration, without any problems and with satisfied passengers. (+343)
Extreme weather conditions during approach, but a safe landing and satisfied passengers. (+100)