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Gear Problem Blowout - Printable Version

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Gear Problem Blowout - DanielK - 09-01-2015

It often happens when I land at setting up a tire burst.

how can I disable it? I have found nothing ...

Re: Gear Problem Blowout - Joeflyer - 09-01-2015

Daniel, I realize this is your first post, but did you happen to do a search on this forum about blown tires? There are multitudes of threads related
to it. After thousands of hours using FsPX, I have had just a handful of blown tires. I am only speaking of my personal experience. Others have them
consistently...no matter how smooth the landings are. Is it a bug in some instances? Possibly. Is it the failure of a pilot to land the aircraft as
smoothly as possible? Likely. I tend to lend credence to the latter question.
Bottom line..... You can't disable blown tires. The developer hasn't been around in a very long time and has not addressed any possibility of a patch.

Post Edited ( 01-09-15 15:30 )

Re: Gear Problem Blowout - darrinward777 - 14-02-2015

Hey Joe,
What aircraft are you flying? Is it just a few aircraft or all of them?

Re: Gear Problem Blowout - Joeflyer - 14-02-2015

Well Darrinward, I use only addon aircraft on all FsP flights....PMDG 777, 747,MD-11, JS-4100....Majestic Q400, Real Air Beech Duke, many Carenado
aircraft, Aerosoft A320/-21,etc. It's been a very long time since I have had a blown tire. Touchdown rates have been from a low -20 FPM to a high of
-300 FPM. As stated, I don't have a issue with blown tires. The OP sure does, but we haven't heard back from Daniel.

Re: Gear Problem Blowout - darrinward777 - 14-02-2015

Thanks Joe,
The reason I asked was I had such problems with certain aircraft ( Mostly Freeware) I like using freeware because I can take a Posky and turn it into a real aircraft. Add
wing views ( VC's) FMC ect... and I like to work with the cfg files as well. If Daniel ever looks his post again, I can show him where to change the cfg and make it more user
friendly. http://www.fspassengers.com/forum/smileys/smiley16.gif

Re: Gear Problem Blowout - Joeflyer - 15-02-2015

No problem. It could be that many freeware aircraft could cause continuous blow outs due to bad contact points.

Re: Gear Problem Blowout - darrinward777 - 15-02-2015

You hit the nail on the head! So by changing these points in the config your off to the races! Example on a Posky 737-800 I just copy the key point from the default 737-
800. Maybe Dan will re-visit this post but it is good for others to know how.