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EGLC FSPassengers problem? - Printable Version

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EGLC FSPassengers problem? - david thompson - 27-04-2014

Whenever I set EGLC as my destination and arrive FSPax thinks its the wrong airport on arrival and I start to get penalties any ideas?

Re: EGLC FSPassengers problem? - david thompson - 27-04-2014

It registers after landing as EGC1?

Re: EGLC FSPassengers problem? - Joeflyer - 28-04-2014

That's weird. Post an end of flight report here if you can.

Re: EGLC FSPassengers problem? - Jason - 28-04-2014

Maybe that's the ICAO code for helipad or something? You can you the GPS to confirm by looking at the nearest airport menu.

Re: EGLC FSPassengers problem? - gbapache - 30-04-2014

If your destination airport has a registered helipad (most large airports do) and the final parking space is too close to the pad FSP will think you
landed at the pad. On the rare occasion when I actually fly a fixed wing shipping container and I know this error is possible I cheat. Here is how,
after landing roll is complete, just set the brake and unload your cattle and end the flight. Once everything is said and done I will taxi to the gate
just for the fun of it. I know it's wrong but then so is Jack and Coke for breakfast.