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Wrong Authorization... - Printable Version

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Wrong Authorization... - nikkidips - 22-03-2014

I have recently purchased FSP.. I have entered my Username and the Key that I got from Flightsim Store.

During a normal flight FSP gave the very popular error of Worng Authorization Please buy FSP.

I have FS9.1 and Windows 7 Ultimate x86-64

Please help... I have tried everything (maybe I missed some) listed on the forum but to no effect.

Oh.. BTW Thanks Dan for such a wonderful product..


Re: Wrong Authorization... - gbapache - 22-03-2014

Speaking of Dan have you tried contacting him?

Re: Wrong Authorization... - Recon - 22-03-2014

Welcome to FsPassengers,

There are a view things to try.
Tried this?: http://www.fspassengers.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8614
Tried re-installing?
And some other solutions are possible.
If those don't help,....then follow gbapache advise and contact Dan.

Post Edited ( 03-22-14 22:28 )

Re: Wrong Authorization... - whiskey-zulu - 23-03-2014

If none of those work, email Dan, kick back with a beer or two dozen and play the waiting game...Sunk