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Overspeed Penalty - Printable Version

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Overspeed Penalty - AirGoater - 06-03-2014

Is there a way to change or disable the overspeed penalty? 3.5 hours into a 4 hour flight I got up to make a sandwich...and then it happened lol.
A gust of wind came through and bumped my speed up like 10 knots over my max. It only happened for about 2 seconds, long enough to make 2 beeps.
when I finished the flight and got my report it fined me for going too fast. This by itself made my long flight pointless.
I understand this, and do think it should be a fineable offense, but it should have a 10 second limit on it or something.
I shouldn't be penalized for something that I kinda don't have control over. Basically I either want to lower the amount of points im penalized because if I run a 2 hour flight and overspeed for 1 second by 1 knot then the flight was useless.
I already checked the forums and found nothing about Over speed , I also went into my cfg files and didn't notice anything about speed (I may have missed it though)

Also another question, is there someplace that I can find out what the symbols mean on my in-flight report ( the thing that's on my screen whilst flying? e.g. time, passengers,%) I already looked in the manual and saw nothing.

Thanks to anyone who can help with this/these issues im having.

Re: Overspeed Penalty - Joeflyer - 07-03-2014

Frankly, overspeeds can be a fact of life in the real world. Taking this away would not bring you the challenge of flight simulation. I am not certain
but you may be able to disable it in the more_options.cfg in the FsP folder. Or, you could purchase FSUIPC and control the wind shifts. Believe me,
this would be a wise purchase. I have NEVER had an overspeed when using FSUIPC.

About the in flight report....can you post a screenshot here so that we can see what you are finding?

Re: Overspeed Penalty - gbapache - 07-03-2014

I agree with Joe. However if you insist on playing with your .cfg there is a way. Inside the aircraft .cfg is a line called [Reference Speeds] and in
there you'll find max_indicated_speed = . Just change the number to something stupid high. This won't make you go faster it just sets a new
overspeed value.

Re: Overspeed Penalty - AirGoater - 14-03-2014

The flight report thing im talking about is just the little bar that comes up when you start FSPX after you put in the flight info. Like how it says how much time is left on your schedule, how happy or unhappy passengers are. If theyre serving drinks or meals. That thingy.

Re: Overspeed Penalty - Recon - 14-03-2014

I assume you mean the in-flight report:


Seatbelt sign
Hot food
Music during taxi
Movie during flight

And the emergency button (do not touch ) lol
Because you can do it manual or automatic,...

Not sure if this the right order but I think it comes close to it.
Oh one more thing,......you only can leave the cockpit to get a beer Beer not for a sandwich.

[Image: enb2012_7_11_18_50_11.jpg]

Post Edited ( 03-14-14 16:01 )

Re: Overspeed Penalty - AirGoater - 21-03-2014

yup that's what Im talking about, but not the stuff aat the top of it. Like the hamburger, the music note, drink, ok, are the things I understand but strange ones pop up that I just guess at like the yellow triangle and seatbelt or the Green F (im assuming is fear). Im just looking for a lil help with this, theres no need to write me up a whole worksheet or anything lol

Re: Overspeed Penalty - Recon - 21-03-2014

The worksheet was because nobody knew what you meant Wink
And for the "pop"-up symbols,... you'll get a list also.
But you don't want that Wink
So tell us what you need exactly.
The most symbols btw are also said in the in-flight report.
For example,.... the green F then in the flight report is written
something like "passengers have fear" same when they get served
with drinks, food etc. Or when they are terrified.
It will show a symbol.