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FSPassengers and Prepar3D 2.0 - Printable Version

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FSPassengers and Prepar3D 2.0 - Fardel - 15-01-2014

My I hope in a patch to use FSPassengers in Prepar3D 2.0?


Re: FSPassengers and Prepar3D 2.0 - Joeflyer - 15-01-2014

Quote:Fardel wrote:
My I hope in a patch to use FSPassengers in Prepar3D 2.0?


I don't think the developer has even looked at the possibility of a P3D version.

Re: FSPassengers and Prepar3D 2.0 - lavrentis - 11-02-2014

I am trying to make it work.

if i get it working I will post back

Re: FSPassengers and Prepar3D 2.0 - Joeflyer - 11-02-2014

That would be interesting if you did get it to work

Edit 2/17/14....maybe you didn't get it to work after all?

Post Edited ( 02-17-14 16:39 )

Re: FSPassengers and Prepar3D 2.0 - angelvilla - 23-04-2014

If Prepar3D work with 2.2, I would be willing to buy the fspassengerx again
developers might think