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Small issue about Total cargo weight - Printable Version

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Small issue about Total cargo weight - pegase - 17-08-2005

The cargo weight is given in lbs in the flight logs.

But the total cargo weight in FsPlistflight.php is summ of all lbs CargoWeight and then given in kg...

So I made those little alterations in the FsPlistflight.php scripts

///////////////////// THIS IS THE LIST TABLE OUTPUT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

$TotalCargolbs=0; // renamed from $TotalCargo to specify the unit


echo "</td></tr>";
$TotalCargolbs+=$row["CargoWeight"]; // The summ will be in lbs
echo $ListStop;

$TotalCargoShortTon = $TotalCargolbs * 0.0005; //The standard US according to http://www.ilpi.com/msds/ref/massunits.html
$TotalCargoShortTonneMetrique = $TotalCargoShortTon * 0.907; //The metric ton

if ($userlanguage == 33) {
// English speaking users will get results in short tons "," as thousand separator "." as decimal séparator
$TotalCargo = $TotalCargoShortTonneMetrique;
$WeightUnit = " Tonnes métriques";
$sepd = ',';
$sepm = ' ';
} elseif ($userlanguage == 44) {
// French speaking users will get results in metric tons " " as thousand separator "," as decimal séparator
$TotalCargo = $TotalCargoShortTon;
$WeightUnit = " ShortTons";
$sepd = '.';
$sepm = ',';

echo "<font face=arial><br><br>".$ListStart.$TDListOdd;
echo $AppliLabel["FlightListTM"] .": <b>" . $NrfFlights."</b><br>";
echo $AppliLabel["FlightListTT"] .": <b>" . $CompanyFlightTime."</b><br>";
echo $AppliLabel["FlightListTP"] .": <b>" . number_format($TotalPassengers,0,$sepd,$sepm) ."</b><br>";
echo $AppliLabel["FlightListTC"] .": <b>" . number_format($TotalCargo,3,$sepd,$sepm) . $WeightUnit . "</b>" . $ListStop;
