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Fuel Flow Thread - Printable Version

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Fuel Flow Thread - snakeboy - 16-08-2005

I thought it might be helpfull if everybody posted the fuel flow - Lbs/Hr, of various planes. It certainley would have helped me work out the
reserve fuel.

Here's 2, correct me if I'm wrong.

Beechcraft 1900c 1500 lbs/hr
B 737-400 9500 lbs/hr

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - SWAFO - 16-08-2005

Your 737 fuel flow isn't quite right... it's more in the average of 4-6000lbs/hr

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - snakeboy - 16-08-2005

Great stuff, thanks, already helping us out.. Anymore anyone?
747 400 4-6000lbs/hr

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - SWAFO - 16-08-2005

Wait... you just said 747 in your post... I gave an approximate average fuel flow value for the 737

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - snakeboy - 16-08-2005

sorry my typo mistake.
737-400 4-6000lbs/hr

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - SWAFO - 16-08-2005

Ok, just making sure.

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - snakeboy - 16-08-2005

Anyone know the average fuel flow lbs/hr for Airbus A330-200

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - jboweruk - 16-08-2005

Beech Bonanza gets down to around 71Lbs an hour during a ^2 hour flight

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - jlc - 17-08-2005

Good idea that topic.
But I think that the most helpful data are :
- the cumulated fuel comsumption for the climb and the descent
- the hourly fuel comsumption during the cruise (FL precised)
The first data is quite absolute, it does no depend on the distance
The second data permits also to obtain the reserve (3/4 of hourly consumption for 45 mn reserve).
As my database is corrupted (48 to 52 flights unaccessible : error data on flight ID), I have only manual data for the Embraer 120 and 145 ; those
data are very precise.
- Embraer 120 (a turboprop, needs C4 rank)
The climb and descent consumption is : 800 lbs
The hourly cruise consumption is : 1,200 lbs (at FL300)
The reserve must be : 900 lbs
So for a 2 hours cruise flight (do not forget to exclude the climb and descent time), you need at least 4,100 lbs of fuel
- Embraer 145 (the first choice of Jet, needs C6 rank)
The climb and descent consumption is : 2,450 lbs
The hourly cruise consumption is : 2,530 lbs (at FL340)
The reserve must be : 1,900 lbs
Dan proposed to add another 45 mn reserve to be well protected; you can or cannot do it, it depends on the risk-level that you accept...
One trick to avoid bad surprises : when you plan your flight, plan to land on the opposite runway, i.e if you arrive from the west select an Eastern
runway to be sure to have enough fuel in any case. And if you land on the western runway, do a holding pattern to avoid an early landing.

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - snakeboy - 17-08-2005

Thanks jlc ,
Keep it coming. knowledge leads to success!!, sometimes.

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - snakeboy - 17-08-2005

Three up to now.......

737-400 4-6000lbs/hr

Beech Bonanza gets down to around 71Lbs an hour during a ^2 hour flight

Embraer 120 the hourly cruise consumption is : 2,530 lbs (at FL340)
The reserve must be : 1,900 lbs

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - bdlong - 17-08-2005

I'd be a little more careful with your EMB 120 - according to Embraer, the ceiling is FL320... Smile

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - snakeboy - 17-08-2005

Three up to now.......

737-400 4-6000lbs/hr

Beech Bonanza gets down to around 71Lbs an hour during a ^2 hour flight

Embraer 120 the hourly cruise consumption is : 2,530 lbs (at FL320)
The reserve must be : 1,900 lbs

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - silo - 17-08-2005

Level-D 767-300 10500 lbs/hr. @ FL340 and Mach .81
Climb 7900 lbs. @ 310 kts/M0.79
Descent 4300 lbs. @ 290 kts

Post Edited ( 08-17-05 03:19 )

Re: Fuel Flow Thread - bdlong - 17-08-2005

Maybe GibbsMusic can add it to his list of aircraft prices: Smile

This is the average of my last six flights:

Climb to FL250 - 360lbs/hr
Cruise - 774lbs/hr (IAS 160 knots - 60 - 70% throttle. Will average 240knts GS which is what MS9 calculates for flight planning)
Descent - 340lbs/hr
