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Fokker 100/70 Flaps - Printable Version

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Fokker 100/70 Flaps - Fallap - 26-04-2009

A few hours ago I made a quick flight from Zurich (LSZH) to Charles de Gaulle (LFPG)

Everything went smooth ( I even made a landing that didn't blew my tyres!)

However, I recieved -300 penalty points since I didn't set any flaps for takeoff. (The fokker 100/70 don't require flaps for take off)

I then made the return flight to Zurich (again no tyres blown ) And despite the fact that I've set flaps one notch down for takeoff (8*) I still got the penalty worth -300 points.

So, is there anyway I can edit some file(s) that allow my Fokkers to make flap-less takeoffs without penalty?

Thanks in advance.

- Philip S.

Post Edited ( 04-26-09 19:59 )

Re: Fokker 100/70 Flaps - 969SQN - 26-04-2009

It should tell you in the aircraft.cfg what flaps speeds you want for takeoff, in there you can edit to what ever you want.
The aircraft.cfg is very long it will take a while till you find it.Sleep

Im not sure this is the only way but someone will post something if there is another way. Smile

[Image: a345supporter.jpg]

Re: Fokker 100/70 Flaps - SkyAirWorld - 27-04-2009

Disable the flaps penelty, seems to be a known issue with a few aircraft....

Re: Fokker 100/70 Flaps - Fallap - 27-04-2009

Where do I disable the flaps penalty? :/

Don't seem to be able to find it

Re: Fokker 100/70 Flaps - Joeflyer - 27-04-2009

Quote:Fallap wrote:
Where do I disable the flaps penalty? :/

Don't seem to be able to find it

FsPassengers/config/more_option.cfg with notepad and edit this line as below:
DisableFlapCheck =1; // disable flap not set penalty

Re: Fokker 100/70 Flaps - Fallap - 27-04-2009

Thanks a ton! I'l try it right away :D

Re: Fokker 100/70 Flaps - Joeflyer - 28-04-2009

Did it work for you?

Re: Fokker 100/70 Flaps - Fallap - 28-04-2009

YA! It works now. Thanx