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Man I suck! - Printable Version

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Man I suck! - Plane Nuts - 15-08-2005

I have been flying with flight simulator since I had my Commodore 64, and over the years, I've gained a pretty high opinion of myself as a
virtual pilot. I've even flown for real from start up to shutdown and did very, very well according to the instructor (Intro flight).

So I've owned FSPassengers for about a week and a half, have accumulated over 11 hours in the cockpit and I'm finally figuring out how
to not lose pilot points on a flight. Apparently I must do a little too much Drink when I fly or something. Wink I am constantly forgetting to
operate the lights when passing 10,000', or set flaps for take-off, or shut the stupid door before taking off! Rolleyes The funny thing is, I rarely
if ever forgot this stuff before I had FSPassengers! Now that I'm flying with "someone" watching over my shoulder, I think I get nervous
and just start forgetting these things. But finally, my last 3 flights have been perfect and I'm almost out of the negative numbers in pilots

In short, thanks for an outstanding add-on Dan, it's already making me a better pilot! Smile

Re: Man I suck! - Tato66 - 15-08-2005

Welcome to the beauty of FSP!, Same thing happened to me at first but now i feel more comfortable and will never fly again without FSP.

Re: Man I suck! - DanSteph - 15-08-2005

Quote:Plane Nuts wrote:
Now that I'm flying with "someone" watching over my shoulder, I think I get nervous
and just start forgetting these things. But finally, my last 3 flights have been perfect and I'm almost out of the negative numbers in pilots
In short, thanks for an outstanding add-on Dan, it's already making me a better pilot! Smile

Glad that the main goal of FsP worked so well for you ...err.. mmhh
that give me a new idea for a slogan:

"FsPassengers the game that watch over your shoulder" Smile


Re: Man I suck! - Plane Nuts - 15-08-2005

Quote:DanSteph wrote:

that give me a new idea for a slogan:

"FsPassengers the game that watch over your shoulder" Smile


So what cut of the profits do I get for inspiring this slogan? Wink lol

Re: Man I suck! - DanSteph - 15-08-2005

Quote:Plane Nuts wrote:
So what cut of the profits do I get for inspiring this slogan? Wink lol

mhhh its not a good slogan finally Wink


Re: Man I suck! - Plane Nuts - 15-08-2005

I beg to differ. I think it's an OUTSTANDING slogan, worth lots and lots of money! Top

Re: Man I suck! - nem - 15-08-2005

"FSPassengers - virtual customers, virtual colleagues, virtual money... GET A LIFE, DAMMIT!"

Ok, maybe not that good either... Smile

Edit: Just had another look at the thread title... wouldn't that be a good slogan? Smile

"FSPassengers - Man, I SUCK at teh FS!"

Post Edited ( 08-15-05 23:18 )

Re: Man I suck! - SWAFO - 15-08-2005

All good slogans! Dan should be paying you guys!