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Odd 777-300 (default) crash over france... - Printable Version

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Odd 777-300 (default) crash over france... - Overlag - 15-08-2005

here i am, 37000, crusing along at 0.81mach (60knot head wind though), 1h20
out from Gatwick (EGKK) after taking off from KOS, Greece, (LGKO), was just
going through my decent checklist....

Then FSpassenger cabin crew comes in and gives me my drink, and all hell
broke loose. I heard a bang, then plane flipped into a STRAIGHT down dive,
accelerated to 700knots. I cut off AP, cut the engines, and slowly i managed
to pull out at 8000 feet, call mayday, then the plane broke up at 500knots,
somewhere over the ardenne forest.

But what the hell caused it??? this is the second time something like this
has happend since getting FSpassnger, i dunno if its related, or because im
playing more now but it seems wierd. Last time it was as if my plane had a
rocket pack, it accelerated to mach 1.1 and climbed to 50000 before it broke
up also.

I heard a bang this time, right side, however engine was showing fine, and
equal to the left, and reacted to throttle movements fine!

FSpax report shows nothing, other than it didnt like "my" accrobatic
flying!!!! ARRG :-(

Im using the default pacifica airlines company, with no failures
on......well at least i think so. Maybe the flight attendant let a terrorist
in or something? lol :-( I wish i had a blackbox recorder!!! would be cool
if there was something like this, that records the last few minutes of a
flight, including all inputs from the joystick etc. Im just wondering if my
X45 joystick turned off for a split second again, that causes huge spike
might have caused the crash, but AP normaly smooths out any spikes my stick

(copied from alt.games.microsoft.flight-sim

Re: Odd 777-300 (default) crash over france... - alphaone - 15-08-2005

lol this sounds like something that happened to me last night. I was flying along at FL370 at .83mach waiting to begin my decent into seattle in my
bombardier crj700er and the FA comes in with a drink for me. Really got my heart beating though cause i thought i was having a serious problem with
the "bang" when she opened the door. But no dive for me though... Wonder

Re: Odd 777-300 (default) crash over france... - Mattyboom - 15-08-2005

Well that happened to me, however i was on approach to Milan (LIME) and there is mountains on this STAR, then my aircraft decided to plummet and it
woudnt repsond, i went down about 3000 feet, its ust woudnt repsond, and everyone died Hunappy

It turned out the lef engine ran out of fuel as a result of a fuel leak, however, I have never had a aircraft repsond so badly to losing an engine!!

Re: Odd 777-300 (default) crash over france... - eazy - 15-08-2005

Quote:Overlag wrote:
... I wish i had a blackbox recorder!!! would be cool
if there was something like this, that records the last few minutes of a
flight, including all inputs from the joystick etc. ....
You might have a look at FS Flight Keeper. It records most interactions (no controller input, though) like autopilot, lights, heading and altitude
changes, speed and so on. It even gives TCAS warnings. Nice little tool.