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How To Make A Lot Of Points - Printable Version

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How To Make A Lot Of Points - Air France - 14-08-2005

Hi am flying a A319 and i wanted to know how to make a lot of points?????

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - walterp - 14-08-2005

Fly well and dont crash at the end.

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - SWAFO - 14-08-2005

Learn to fly it right, and deal with emergencies in a calm and effective manner. There's really no "cheat" to gain a lot of points. Just good
piloting skills, and patience!

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - SaVas - 14-08-2005

This isnt like playing computer games. Its something to take your time with, get better at, and sit back end enjoy. Become a better pilot,
and do everything perfectly and viola points will start rolling in.

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - DanSteph - 14-08-2005

make a tour on dangerous area, try to sustain some shots and land safely...
you'll get a lot of point but of course you'll need to repair your aircraft after that.


Post Edited ( 08-16-05 00:59 )

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - jlc - 14-08-2005

So, you need to have 2 aircrafts in your fleet :
- a Cessna 172
- and your A319
First of all, you cautiously park your A319 in its hangar.
Then you send your best pilot (or the one who needs points) on the Cessna 172 on a flight KOAK-KCCR, just 10 minutes of flight and about one thousand
points easily won if you get through your emergency landing...
You repair your Cessna (some hundred of thousand dollars, but a lot less than a repairing of an A319)
And you come back to your A319 with a pilot rich of 1000 points.
And no cheat in it, just my experience !

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - SWAFO - 14-08-2005

Quote:jlc wrote:
So, you need to have 2 aircrafts in your fleet :
- a Cessna 172
- and your A319
First of all, you cautiously park your A319 in its hangar.
Then you send your best pilot (or the one who needs points) on the Cessna 172 on a flight KOAK-KCCR, just 10 minutes of flight and
about one thousand
points easily won if you get through your emergency landing...
You repair your Cessna (some hundred of thousand dollars, but a lot less than a repairing of an A319)
And you come back to your A319 with a pilot rich of 1000 points.
And no cheat in it, just my experience !

This is somewhat of a "cheating" or "easy" way to get points. Why do this? It doesn't help you in the long run. Practice makes perfect, so
keep practicing at FSP, and you'll get better. It's not designed to be a program where you "win" if you get lots of points. That would get
old, and boring very fast. It's a program that continually challenges your piloting skills, and forces you to become better at the simulation
in a fun and interactive way.

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - pagir - 15-08-2005

Anyway, you will only gain points this way: not flight time! It won't be sufficient to get promoted!


Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - bdlong - 15-08-2005

As mentioned previously, learn to fly right and smooth.

Besides the above mentioned "war zone". I have received "additional" points for the following on a recent flight:

Overall Flight Result: Perfect

Pilot Bonus points: 539 points
You made a very smooth landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Precise arrival time at destination.(00h00 difference) (+100)
Long flight (02h11) without using time acceleration, without any problems and with satisfied passengers. (+109)
Extreme weather conditions during approach, but a safe landing and satisfied passengers. (+100)


Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - SWAFO - 15-08-2005

That's true, flying smoothly in bad weather, and nice handling of emergencies will get you extra points too.

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - Passenger57 - 15-08-2005

So, come in to Your airport early, land, taxi to Your gate/parkingPos BUT do not set parking brakes and let the pax out until You have reached Your
scheduled arrival time. Better to stand 20 minutes motionless (and not "parked") with the pax belted at the gate than to lose some bonus points... Smile

I've only tried twice so far, but got the impression that arrival time is checked when You set PB's and open the door. (You may shut off engines
earlier to avoid ground roll).


Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - jboweruk - 15-08-2005

Trouble with that suggestion is the pax get bored real fast.

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - pegase - 15-08-2005

The first answers are indeed the more apropriate. After all, why flying as FSPassenger pilot if not to improve our skill ?

But may be your question could be: How to learn and improve faster within FSPassenger ?

Here is an idea (My colleagues call me "Zorba le Grec" because of my ideas...)
Create a company which is rather a kind of "Test and training organisation" than a business oriented company.
Then hire in this company some pilots who STRICTLY DON'T CARE about promotion and earnings. Then get trained with rhese pilots who won't hesitate to
try any plane, any challenging approach in any weather condition, "see how much they can go too far". and get plenty experience.

Then these burned head pilots will have the pleasure to transmit these knowlegment to the serious pilots of your serious company (it is their job...)

In moral point of view, I don't know if it is a cheat. However this experience will be the result of your personal work , yoke in the hand.

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - SWAFO - 15-08-2005

Quote:Passenger57 wrote:
So, come in to Your airport early, land, taxi to Your gate/parkingPos BUT do not set parking brakes and let the pax out until You have
reached Your
scheduled arrival time. Better to stand 20 minutes motionless (and not "parked&quotWink with the pax belted at the gate than to lose
some bonus points... Smile

I've only tried twice so far, but got the impression that arrival time is checked when You set PB's and open the door. (You may shut off
earlier to avoid ground roll).


Or, you could just arrive early as we try to do in reality. I was talking to Dan some time back about implementing a feature that would
provide for a bonus if arriving early (up to a limit, say 10-30 minutes), since pilots, crew, and PAX really like it if you can arrive on time if not
a little early. He simply removed the PENALTY for arriving early, and didn't add a bonus. Am I alone in thinking there should be a bonus?

Re: How To Make A Lot Of Points - toka-ito - 15-08-2005

dont worry Brad, you arent alone ;-) i think too there should be a bonus, for lets say max 15min early.
