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Need to know AC price before I can buy - Printable Version

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Need to know AC price before I can buy - clut - 13-08-2005

I'm playing FsP with all options on (economic, career, inst. record, and very little starting cash.) and I'm close to getting my pilot to C3,
where I'll finally be able to buy (and fly) something with a little more beef.

I know that I can't yet buy the Baron 58, but I thought, I'll Select the Baron in flight sim and click "Buy Selected Aircraft", because that
doesn't actually buy it. but I'll get to see how much money I'll need for new/second hand. I then found out FsP does not let you get that far
because you don't have a pilot qualified to fly it... even though I'm not actually trying to buy it yet.

Is there any way this could be changed in a future version/update, so we can get to the 'market' screen to see how much a plane will
cost, even if we don't have a pilot capable of flying it.

I checked Gibbmusic's site to see what planes I would be able to buy, but while the site is fantastic, I can't expect it to be complete, AND
in the curreny I'd like. It also can't give me the options for second hand aircraft like FsP does.

Post Edited ( 08-13-05 14:52 )

Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - omarza - 13-08-2005

What I did (as I had the same problem and started with min cash) was to create a 2nd company with career mode not active (ticked). Whenever I want to
check prices etc I switch to that company to see what the planes costs. Afterward I just switch back to my other (real) company.

Hope that helps Smile

Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - hvilberg - 13-08-2005

In the new version of FSP you get an aircraft browser (includes prises)

Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - clut - 13-08-2005

Omarza, that is also what I've had to do, but it's not ideal really.

hcilberg, is the new verison the update that was recently released. I have not got it yet as I've not seen a comprehensive list of what
the update changes.

Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - hvilberg - 13-08-2005

Download it, you see the list before you download

Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - DanSteph - 13-08-2005

the list is available on the download page, also if you click on "check FsPassengers update"
in the about box of FsPassengers (bottom item of FsP menu)

clicking on this the site will answer to you accordingly to your current version
either "you have the last version" either "here is available update with what was added"

else as I said you have this list at the bottom of download page or you can click here:


Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - Gibbmusic - 15-08-2005

Quote:clut wrote:
I checked Gibbmusic's site to see what planes I would be able to buy, but while the site is fantastic, I can't expect it to be complete, AND
in the curreny I'd like. It also can't give me the options for second hand aircraft like FsP does.

Sorry about the state of the website. It's been a while since I've been able to update it. DanSteph's new tool is excellent and makes the
website pretty much obsolete unless you are looking for new ideas for planes to download and buy. I still plan on keeping it updated and
hopefully this week I'll be able to get most of the prices updated.

Also, what currency are you looking for? I'm sure we can get the exchange rate and add it as well.


Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - clut - 15-08-2005

Gibbmusic, don't worry, the website is a fantastic tool, and it's definitely not obsolete as I spend a fair bit of time sitting here (at work)
withough FS and FsP just planning my next move, thinking about whether it's worth buying a new plane for the fleet income or saving it for
a bigger planer come the next pilot upgrade, planning my next short hop in my RTW journey, debating whether I should put ticket prices
up when I get home and many other things.

Without your website, I'd have no idea how much the new plane is going to cost, and how many passenger I'll be able to cram in, so
thanks for all the work you've put into it!

Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - jboweruk - 15-08-2005

Hey Clut, I know that feeling. Sitting at work thinking about next flight etc. I'm as bad (shh don't tell the boss). Trouble is I can't get to the
site Gibbmusic set up with the list on it as we have a blocker to block some sites, and that is one it blocks Hunappy

Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - SaVas - 15-08-2005

Gibbmusic, where is this site to see the various purchasable planes?

Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - pagir - 15-08-2005

Check the tips and tricks!


Re: Need to know AC price before I can buy - Captain Binkles - 16-08-2005

Quote:SaVas wrote:
Gibbmusic, where is this site to see the various purchasable planes?

Check my signature Smile