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"B" key won't work? - Printable Version

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"B" key won't work? - baoding - 25-12-2008

Hi, i have noticed recently that the B key don't work anymore... when i usually go through FL180 ( transition altitude) i just hit the B key so my
altimeter go back to 2992. But after i installed FSPX, it doesn't work anymore. The B key can still work when i'm descending, but when i climb
through FL 180 it doesn't set it back to 2992. The ATC have to tell me that i need to expedite my climb to my cursing altitude first, then the B key
will come back to life...... weird..
is this just me? or is it a bug? or is it just designed this way that i have to manually set the altimeter now?

Re: - Tibbo - 25-12-2008

Hi baoding,

I noticed the same thing on my first flight yesterday, but looking into the fspassengers config, I found that FSPX assigns the B key to
manual altimeter entry. I simply deleted the key assignment (my personal preference...I could have remapped it as well), and the B key
now functions as it usually does under FSX for automatic altimeter update.

Hope this helps.


PS: still no solution for the W key, though. Any idea, Dan? Beta-testers?

Post Edited ( 12-25-08 17:48 )

Re: "B" key won't work? - Jason - 25-12-2008

Hmm the B key has been working fine for me, but when I do push it to adjust the baro pressure automatically the 'voice" says "altimeter"
haha it doesn't bother me though.

Re: "B" key won't work? - ameval - 25-12-2008

it may be you guys keyboards... check if your b key works lol

Re: "B" key won't work? - DanSteph - 25-12-2008

If you don't remap the defaut "B" key in FsPX you must enter manually the pressure (2992 or 1013 or accordingly to ATC)

It's in welcome and doc for key...

type "B1013" or "B2992"

It work in ATC simply because ATC "eat" keyboard key, fspx don't receive them anymore.


Re: "B" key won't work? - Tibbo - 25-12-2008

Quote:Jason wrote:
Hmm the B key has been working fine for me, but when I do push it to adjust the baro pressure automatically the 'voice" says
haha it doesn't bother me though.

Hey Jason,

true...a voice says "altimeter"...but the barometric pressure doesn't change, unless you enter 4 digits after pressing "B" (see Dan's reply).
Being the lazy person I am, I deleted the FSPX key assignment, so that my barometric pressure would automatically adjust after pressing
"B", saving myself 4 keystrokes each time Wink

Re: "B" key won't work? - DanSteph - 25-12-2008

Check this brand new FAQ Smile

Typo will be corrected by english peoples. I'm writting the FAQ currently.


Re: "B" key won't work? - Jason - 25-12-2008

actually it does work for me, i've seen the pressure adjust every time.

Re: "B" key won't work? - DanSteph - 25-12-2008

either you changed the key either you do it everytime with ATC window open then !?


Re: "B" key won't work? - baoding - 25-12-2008

ah! i c..so it's all planned lol. I guess i'll try to enter the # manually then. Doesn't make a big difference anyway

Re: "B" key won't work? - Jason - 25-12-2008

well maybe the ATC window is open... im rebuilding my computer right now so i'll have to check afterward. But its entirely possible.

Re: - relichd - 25-12-2008

I only heard it once but note sure what the situation was. Anyway, it worked for me well in terms of automatic Baro settings. For STD I right-click
the Baro knob while climbing above transition altitude and left-click it when descending below that altitude - it's the functionality of my Airbus 318.

Post Edited ( 12-25-08 22:27 )

Re: "B" key won't work? - JeffMcBride - 25-12-2008

Yes, in my current configuration as well. Pressing the "B" key gives me the FsPX Altimeter announcement but also it is auto adjusted. It's
always worked like that for me. I have noticed lately that sometimes I don't hear the announcement but it still auto adjusts.
