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Announcement Gone - Printable Version

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Announcement Gone - swa6288 - 27-11-2007

Why is it that when I switch the music off right before takeoff I get the ding sound followed by the flight attendent saying "we are about to
take off" instead of the FO saying prepare for takeoff? I want the FO to make the announcement not the flight attendent. Do I have to edit
the sound cfg?

Re: Announcement Gone - connorsdad - 28-11-2007

No it is not gone - click on More Downloads...then change the drop down selection to Most Popular....then scroll down about half way, you
are looking for file 894 - Attendents Prepare for Takeoff....

Download that and it will work!

Re: Announcement Gone - Canada_Boy - 29-11-2007

Yep This one Smile

Post Edited ( 11-29-07 00:57 )