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owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - Printable Version

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owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - lcrane - 26-11-2007

I just flew a flight from YSSY to KSEA and after the flight my income showed $-6000 and not fleet bonus because no flights were flown that day. Any
ideas what happened? Sound to me like a glitch.

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - connorsdad - 26-11-2007

Did you take any passengers? What was the cost of fuel, what did you charge for tickets? How long did you stay idle... upload your report.

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - crowebird - 26-11-2007

passengers will only pay for so much distance, and in FsP you only pay for fuel used. Thefore, the longer the flight, the more you move
past maximum profit and begin to head in the opposite direction, in your case it was long enough where the cose of fuel offrode any
chance of income.

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - DBE - 27-11-2007

As mentioned: please post the flight report!

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - lcrane - 27-11-2007

Quote:DBE wrote:
As mentioned: please post the flight report!

Will do. Kids were on the computer last night for homework and didn't get a chance to touch it. :*( I'll post it tonight when I get home from work.

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - Canada_Boy - 27-11-2007

If you used a 747-400, once posted I can compare it to mine.

I flew from YSSY to CYVR, about a 30nm difference, so it should look about the same.
Except I made quite a bit of money, with only one other plane, but I can't remember if I got a fleet bonus.

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - connorsdad - 27-11-2007

Damn the kids! I say put'em out side! That's what I do, Daddy needs his flight sim time DAMN IT!

Oh sorry - I'm back.

Quote:lcrane wrote:
Quote:DBE wrote:
As mentioned: please post the flight report!

Will do. Kids were on the computer last night for homework and didn't get a chance to touch it. :*( I'll post it tonight when I get home from

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - lcrane - 28-11-2007

Here's the report as I promised.

connorsdad, my kids are 13 and 16 so I can't kick them outwide without a struggle. Smile But that's ok. I'm studying to get my IFR and can use
that as an excuse to why I MUST fly flight simulator :D

Flight MA166 End of flight report Date November 26 2007

Flight ID: MA166
Pilot: Lyle Crane
Company: Mesa Air
Aircraft: Boeing 747-400 Paint2
Flight Date: November 26 2007
Departure: 06h01 (20h02 GMT)
Arrival: 20h39 (04h40 GMT)
From: YSSY - Kingsford Smith Intl Airp - Australia
To: KSEA - Seattle Tacoma Intl - Usa
Nbr of Passengers: 275


Flight Distance: 6,734 Nm Landing Speed: 141.90 kt
Time Airborne: 14h25:21 Landing Touchdown: -347.69 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 14h39:17 Landing Pitch: 3.80°
Time On Ground: 00h17:29 Landing Weight: 554667 lbs
Average Speed: 466.65 kt Total Fuel Used: 289146 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 390 Fuel Not Used: 81696 lbs
Climb Time: 00h21:38 Climb Fuel Used: 20644 lbs
Cruise Time: 13h28:17 Cruise Fuel Used: 258690 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 488.45 kt (M0.79) Cruise fuel/hour: 19202 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h35:26 Descent Fuel Used: 9811 lbs

Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were irritated because they were hungry sometime during the flight.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.

Financial Report:

Ticket Income: +$346,920 (6,734 Nm)
Cargo Income: +$100,017 (29998 lbs)
Services Income: +$8,380 (1 sandwich 3 hot food 0 drink)
Services Cost: -$5,697 (50% quality)
Fuel Cost: -$172,846 (289146 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$859 (Heavy Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$288,771 (12.69% rate)
Total Real Income: $-12,856
Total Income: $-642,800 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $0 (7 aircraft ,no flights today)
Total Sim Income: $-642,800 (total income+fleet bonus)

Company Reputation:

Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price normal, the service price low and the service quality good, passengers on this flight
think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 97% (+0.29 increase)

Overall Flight Result: Perfect

Pilot Bonus points: 901 points
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Long flight (14h25) without using time acceleration, without any problems and with satisfied passengers. (+721)

Pilot's Penalty points: -300 points
Using reverse thrust under 60kts is prohibited and dangerous, it can damage engine. (-300)

( 3 penalty disabled by more_option.cfg )

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - crowebird - 28-11-2007

Wow, your insurance is your problem!

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - Sjef - 28-11-2007

Yep, your insurance costs are insane. How did you manage to get them so high? I never use the insurance to pay for anything, cause
you'll be paying for those costs for the rest of your life.

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - the_nick - 28-11-2007

does the rate never go back down after many safe flights ?

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - Canada_Boy - 28-11-2007

Quote:the_nick wrote:
does the rate never go back down after many safe flights ?

Yes it does if I remember correctly, but it takes one heck of a long time.

Anyway lcrane, your insurance is defiantly high, and is defiantly the problem. Smile

Post Edited ( 11-28-07 16:35 )

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - connorsdad - 28-11-2007

I say its the insurance also, try switching carriers.

Also - my kids are 3 and 1, so I say, PUT'EM OUT SIDE!

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - lcrane - 28-11-2007

Insurance isn't helping but I don't think it was what caused the negative amount. I flew a route from KSEA to PANC last night and got 10 mill. I'm
thinking there is a cap on the pax ticket price and the fuel price burned up all the profit and then some. In reality, I'd be charging the pax more
for the tickets then I did to cover the costs. If I made 10 mill on a two hr. flight, I should be making 60 mill for a 12 hr flight. But as it is, 2 -
2.5 hr flights make to most economical sense. So I'll forget the long flights.

Re: owe $6000 after 12 hr flight?!? - Drew - 29-11-2007

3000nm is the cut off limit to gain maximum profit, after that you will start to 'lose' money due to fuel and serving food etc.