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Cloche and Pedals - Printable Version

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Cloche and Pedals - BRAMBOREF - 25-11-2007

I heard that in US there is a site where you can buy Cloche and Pedals CH
for € 205 !! Anyone can help me with the address? Regards,

Re: Cloche and Pedals - connorsdad - 26-11-2007

Hi -

Not sure what a Cloche is, but you can get CH Yoke and Pedals here:


for about 148.47 Euros..i live in the US and have bought many products before and still do not know what a cloche is.

Re: Cloche and Pedals - BRAMBOREF - 26-11-2007

Hi Connorsdad. Many thanks for your faster answer. Cloche is a Yoke, for istance. I would like to buy it,
you feel that is a good products? I knew another Connors in USA, Jimmy, top tennis players, and he
is a friend of mine. I was pro umpire at US Open for 9 yeras in the row. Take care,

Re: Cloche and Pedals - connorsdad - 26-11-2007

Yes I use them and am very happy with them. Very realistic.