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FsP don't see Fs9 directory! please help me - Printable Version

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FsP don't see Fs9 directory! please help me - eloy - 27-10-2007

i have just to purchase and download fsp, and when i click on the instalation file the program says "don't found fs9 directoy"... ok

I click on browse, and put my fs9 directory (where fs9.exe are) but the CONTINUE BUTTON don't let me push it so i can't install it

i try like administrator (i have vista) but not works the same problem... why??????

please help !! thansk

Re: FsP don't see Fs9 directory! please help me - Drew - 27-10-2007

If the installer didnt find fs9, try the registry fix on this link.....


Re: FsP don't see Fs9 directory! please help me - eloy - 27-10-2007

first thanks very much Drew for answer, I run the program you says but is the same problem..

this x-file is incredible...

a have two installers of fsp.

Installer A, downloaded of fspassengers.com (demo), installs perfect but not registeres, of course

Installer B, downloaded from a simmarket's link sed to me after purchase. Imposible to install: I browse and put the same directory tha I put in the
installation of installer A and the "continue button" is "death" so i can't finish instalation.

Are there different versions for purchase users and demo users?
Can I put my simmarket's unlock code in the demo version??

thanks a lot

Re: FsP don't see Fs9 directory! please help me - Canada_Boy - 27-10-2007

Yes, all you have to do is download it here(the demo) which you already have, and enter your unlock code into that one. Top

Edit: Answer to your first question. No FSP isn't different for purchasers, other then the fact that you can fly anywhere you'd like.

Post Edited ( 10-27-07 20:17 )

Re: FsP don't see Fs9 directory! please help me - Drew - 27-10-2007

Quote:eloy wrote:

Are there different versions for purchase users and demo users?

Same version, just the demo limits take off airport, unlocked allows any airport

Quote:Can I put my simmarket's unlock code in the demo version??

Indeed you can, if you have the demo installed, ignore the simmarket link, and pop your code into the demo for the full version (copy and paste it to
avoid errors) Smile

oh, and welcome to the forum Top

Post Edited ( 10-27-07 20:50 )