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Simmarket down? - Printable Version

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Simmarket down? - jeff_hettling - 27-10-2007

I've fallen in love with FSPassengers and want to buy it, but I can't find a working website to get it from. I've tried several different ways of
trying to access the website but nothing comes up. Does anyone know of a website that works to buy it from? Does the simmarket website work for you
all...perhaps it's just my computer. Thanks for the help all!

Re: Simmarket down? - Dutch64 - 27-10-2007

Simmarket seems to work for me, what exactly is going wrong at your side?

Re: Simmarket down? - jeff_hettling - 27-10-2007

I've tried in both Firefox and MS explorer...all I get is timed out responses. I generally get a "Problem loading page" message. It will try to
connect but nothing comes of it...any ideas?


Re: Simmarket down? - Drew - 27-10-2007

Yep also fine for me


Try that link, direct to FsP see if that works.

Re: Simmarket down? - jeff_hettling - 27-10-2007

humm still nothing. Thanks for the link, I'll keep playing with it...trying to adjust security settings and whatnot. If it works for everyone else
then I know it's on my end so I'll figure it out.


Re: Simmarket down? - Canada_Boy - 27-10-2007

SimMarket works fine for me too, I guess it is on your side.