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Can't serve drinks - Ctrl-Shift-D drops me to desktop - Printable Version

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Can't serve drinks - Ctrl-Shift-D drops me to desktop - emac921 - 23-10-2007

I can't serve drinks - when I selct the keyboard strokes, it sends me to the desktop - Can anyone help?

Also, how do I set up the drinks shortcut, as I deleted it by mistake (after it wouldn't work)


Earl MacMichael

Re: Can't serve drinks - Ctrl-Shift-D drops me to desktop - Drew - 23-10-2007

Quote:emac921 wrote:
how do I set up the drinks shortcut, as I deleted it by mistake (after it wouldn't work)

Within the flight screen

Alt > fs passengers > fs passengers setup > keyboard setup

Re: Can't serve drinks - Ctrl-Shift-D drops me to desktop - Serviceman - 25-10-2007

The Women's Temperence Union has been at your computer again.