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FsP Database - Printable Version

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FsP Database - nunnybo - 18-10-2007

Have successfully re-downloaded FsP onto new computer (FS9 Vista) and copied original 'database' to same. however, none of the
saved data seems to be there. Do I need to copy any other data over?

Re: FsP Database - Joeflyer - 18-10-2007

None of your company information and flights are showing??

I take it that you made a back up of the original database folder before deleting from your old hard drive? I changed pcs in Aug. and
placed my old hard drive into the new pc...to use it as storage and copy files over to the new hard drive. I had made a back up of the FsP
database folder and placed it on a CD before I started copying/deleting files from my old hard drive.

Re: FsP Database - nunnybo - 18-10-2007

No, nothing is showing except the default companies. And yes, I back everything up onto an external hard drive and it is the database from
this that I copied over along with reports/log etc.

Re: FsP Database - Joeflyer - 19-10-2007

Well, that is quite strange indeed. Especially since you left the database "as is" on your old hard drive. Have you opened the old database
folder to see when the files were last accessed or updated?

Re: FsP Database - nunnybo - 19-10-2007

The files were last updated on Sep 7th..cannot understand it either. Should i uninstall and try again?? Could this be a Vista problem?

Re: FsP Database - Drew - 19-10-2007

From the FAQ

To restore it take care to not mix old and new database, you should first empty the 'FsPassengers/database' folder before copying back a backup here

Did you do this?

Re: FsP Database - the_nick - 19-10-2007

or maybe you are doing it right , but all that you have to do is making your company the selected company Wonder

Re: FsP Database - nunnybo - 21-10-2007

Hey guys, thanx for all your input...as I am running Vista, I wasnt 'running as administrator'. I am now and seems to have sorted the
problem! Vista is a steep learning curve!!