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kneeboard crash - Printable Version

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kneeboard crash - jkronber - 30-09-2007

Hey all,

Recently, I've noticed a serious problems with FS2004 kneeboard. It doesn't matter what I'm looking at, but if i click on the scroll button at
all, the screen goes black and FS shuts down. I saw some things about deleting viewmgr.exe, but I don't have that. Anyone know a
solution to this? Sorry if this has already been answered in the forum, but I couldn't find what I was looking for ( I really looked to avoid the
aggrevation) Thanks in advance!


Re: kneeboard crash - Canada_Boy - 30-09-2007

Hi, John.

After some research on the internet I found some stuff:

Quote:Everytime I open the kneeboard, FS2004 crashes to a black
screen. Is there any way of preventing this happening?

The problem is most likely an app you are running called
RoboForm. The solution is either to kill the app, or to
download a version later than AiRoboForm5-4-1. If you aren't
running RoboForm, WindowBlinds is another common cause of
this particular behavior.

2. If you are running Internet Explorer 7 (IE7), it might cause those problems

3. This mentions the viewmgr.exe file you were talking about , but also some other suggestions.
> http://flyawaysimulation.com/postt6579.html

Here is one way to check if you have viewmgr.exe (unless you already checked this way)

Quote: Go to START , RUN type "regedit" Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
then expand "SOFTWARE" Scroll down to "MICROSOFT" and expand that.
then go to "WINDOWS" Expand that. Then go to "Run" and highlight
"RUN" by clicking on it. To the right of your screen you will see all
the programs that start when your computer boots up. find viewmgr.exe

Let me know if any of this helps. Smile

Re: kneeboard crash - jkronber - 30-09-2007


It was the issue with IE 7 conflicting. I deleted the one file, and now it works. Thanks a billion!

Re: kneeboard crash - Canada_Boy - 30-09-2007

No problem, Glad it worked Top