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Need a guage and a printout for a seatbelt button - Printable Version

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Need a guage and a printout for a seatbelt button - CDR - 26-09-2007

I need the panel cfg printout for the seatbelt button and also the guage for the FS9 guage folder .
Please E mail them to me .
I can place it on my panel when I get it .


Post Edited ( 09-26-07 02:50 )

Re: Need a guage and a printout for a seatbelt button - JanniCash - 26-09-2007

Would installing the FsP Crew Panel satisfy your needs?



Re: Need a guage and a printout for a seatbelt button - CDR - 26-09-2007

Thanks but I do not need the crew panel and do not have room for it anyway .


Re: Need a guage and a printout for a seatbelt button - JanniCash - 26-09-2007

In that case, your can go with the seatbelt button shipped with FsP and follow the detailed instructions of the FAQ


If the graphics of that button aren't to your liking, take the Lvar support module from the Crew Panel and turn the XML button from its .cab into
whatever you like. Except for the C source code of the Lvar support gauge, everything is there, free and open source.


PS: I didn't understand the part about "room for it". The Crew Panel is a subpanel that pops up and down like the radio stack or the GPS. You don't
actually need to make room for all those buttons on your main panel.

Post Edited ( 09-26-07 04:34 )

Re: Need a guage and a printout for a seatbelt button - CDR - 26-09-2007

I installed the seatbelt on and off button .
I pasted this [ gauge40=FsPassengers2004!CabinSign, 500,0 ,25,25 ]
To the aircraft panel con fig file .